‘NASA computers, in calculating the positions of planets, found a missing day and 40 minutes, proving Joshua’s “long day” and Hezekiah’s sundial movement of Joshua 10 and 2 Kings 20.’

Not promoted by major creationist organizations, but an hoax in wide circulation, especially on the Internet.

Essentially the same story, now widely circulated on the Internet, appeared in the somewhat unreliable 1936 book The Harmony of Science and Scripture by Harry Rimmer. Evidently an unknown person embellished it with modern organization names and modern calculating devices.

Also, the whole story is mathematically impossible?it requires a fixed reference point before Joshua’s long day. In fact we would need to cross-check between both astronomical and historical records to detect any missing day. And to detect a missing 40 minutes requires that these reference points be known to within an accuracy of a few minutes. It is certainly true that the timing of solar eclipses observable from a certain location can be known precisely. But the ancient records did not record time that precisely, so the required cross-check is simply not possible. Anyway, the earliest historically recorded eclipse occurred in 1217 BC, nearly two centuries after Joshua. So there is no way the missing day could be detected by any computer.
Note that discrediting this myth doesn’t mean that the events of Joshua 10 didn’t happen. Features in the account support its reliability, e.g. the moon was also slowed down. This was not necessary to prolong the day, but this would be observed from Earth’s reference frame if God had accomplished this miracle by slowing Earth’s rotation. See Joshua’s long day?did it really happen?

この話は主要な創造論団体が宣伝していないが、特にインターネットで広まっているホラである。もともと、これと同じ話はHarry Rimerの"The Harmony of Science and Scripture(科学と聖書の調和)"というあまり信頼できない1936年の本にあった。これを誰かが現代の組織の名称と現代の計算機器で装飾したものであることが分かっている。


(備考: ヨシュアの長い日の神話を信頼できないとすることは、ヨシュア記10章が起きていないことを意味するわけではない。聖書の記録はその信頼性を支持している。たとえば、月も遅くなった。これは一日を伸ばす必要はなく、神がこの奇跡を地球の自転を遅くすることで実現していれば、地球からはそのように観測されるだろう。)

NASA’s Discovery of the Missing Day

It is an urban legend that NASA computers verified the “long days” recorded in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Kings 20:11. According to this popular story, scientists noticed that today’s positions of the sun and moon were not quite where they belonged, but they can be corrected by making allowance for the biblical events.


This story was never reasonable. Modern astronomers cannot know the exact positions of the sun and moon prior to these biblical events. So it is impossible for computers to calculate changes from such unknown positions.



What about the momentum of people and objects travelling at 1,600 km/h on the Earth? Answer: A car travelling at 100 km/h can be stopped comfortably for the occupants in a few seconds; something travelling at 1,600 km/h could stop comfortably for passengers in a few minutes.

1600km/hで動いている地球上の人や物体の運動量はどうなるだろうか? 100km/hで走っている車は乗っている人が快適な状態で数秒で停止できる。1600km/hで動いてるのであれば、乗っている人が快適な状態で止まるのに数分かかる。

This scenario need only imply that God slowed the rotation of the atmosphere, oceans, and Earth simultaneously to prevent any tidal-wave effect, and any heat build-up inside the Earth due to friction from still-rotating liquid layers of the Earth’s core. And after the long day was over, the whole process would need to start up again.


It is certainly not impossible for God to have done all this, despite representing a major interruption of the natural order of things with respect to the Earth set up by God in Genesis 1.




AiGは「創造論者が使ってはいけない論」からはドロップしたが、 Far Out Claims About Astronomy に同様の記述があるので、ここではその記述を引用した。









最終更新:2009年08月14日 09:10