
インテリジェントデザインを大学に広めるIDEA CenterのFAQは論としてのアナロジーの有効性を主張している。

アナロジーでインテリジェントデザイン理論は正しいというのは適切か?(Is it appropriate to justify intelligent design theory via analogies?)

Arguments by analogy can be valid if there is sufficient similarity between the case in the analogy and the actual case. Intelligent design theory postulates that we can detect design by finding the product of design -- specified complexity. We try to detect intelligently sent signals from space through the "Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence" (SETI) program by looking for specified complexity in the signals. Similarly, determine that archaeological artifacts, such as the heads on Easter Island, were intelligently designed because of their specified complexity. These two examples show how the underlying principle of intelligent design -- that we can detect design through the presence of specified complexity -- is true. If this underlying principle is true, then we can detect design not only in archaeology and SETI, but also in biology, and perhaps in cosmology. The analogies are valid because there is sufficient similarity between their methods of detecting design (i.e. find specified complexity) and intelligent design research in biology (i.e. look for specified complexity). To claim we really only understand human "ordinary" design and thus cannot look for non-human design in biology ("rarefied design") ignores the fact that specified complexity is a fundamental product of all forms of intelligent design--be they human-produced or non-human-produced; biological or non-biological.



"指定された複雑さ(Spedified Complexity)"が何なのかも、アナロジーとして提示されているだけ。モアイやSETIの信号のようなものが"指定された複雑さ"であり、それらは"指定された複雑さ"を持つから人工物だと判断される。それでは、何も言っていない。



What is worse for Dr. Story is that Behe does NOT make an argument from analogy, anyway. The arguments proffered by both Behe and other design theorists like Dembski and Meyer focus on the properties humanly designed objects and biological objects actually share, not properties that have some analogous resemblance.

Dr. Claig Storyにとってさらに悪いことは、Beheはアナロジーからの論を使っていないことである。Beheや、DembskiやMeyerのようなデザイン理論家は、人間がデザインしたものと生物学的なものが本当に共有している性質を対象としているのであって、アナロジー的に似ている性質ではない。

For instance, these theorists often point to what is at the heart of all biological life, namely DNA. They then point out that this biological information has the SAME semantic properties that human written or spoken language has. They are not making an analogy at all. Rather, at the very heart of life, we have found a property that in every other situation we KNOW is designed. The same goes for the organizational properties and the functions displayed by a host of irreducibly complex molecular machines. These properties and functions are ones held in common with human-made machines. They are not mere analogous properties.



  • 設計図は機械の一部ではないが、DNAは生物の一部である
  • 自己複製機械とウィルス以外の生物は自己複製という点で共通点を持つが、自己複製じゃない機械はその共通点を共有しない。


最終更新:2010年03月09日 00:38