
Phillip E. Johnsonが語るインテリジェントデザインが聖書に言及しない理由

インテリジェントデザインの父たるPhillip Johnsonは、地球も宇宙も6000歳だという"若い地球の創造論者"と、宇宙と地球と生物の時系列は普通の科学を受け入れる"古い地球の創造論者"の決着はダーウィニズムをやっつけてから後だと言う:
Interviewer John Perry (see World, Dec. 13) said, "You’ve been hammered by the Darwinists and gotten flak from Christians as well." Phil Johnson replied, January 27, 2004

My approach with the young-earthers is to say, ‘I’m not asking you to give up your point of view.’ In fact I’m not even saying what my opinion is with it. I don’t take any position on the age of the earth or the cosmos.
When I’m reported as agreeing that the earth is 4.6 billion years old or whatever, I always correct that. We say, ‘No, I don’t take a position on that. That’s a separate issue and we should not discuss that now. It’s not an issue that’s ripe to be discussed. We should discuss that only after we’ve made the breakthrough on the Darwinian mechanism.’



そして、Phillip Johnsonは、聖書を持ち出すとろくなことがないので、聖書に言及しないと言う:

神を信じない者たちと進化論をどう論じたらよいか? Dr. D. James KennedyのゲストPhillip Johnsonは次のように語る:

What I am not doing is bringing the Bible into the university and saying, "We should believe this." Bringing the Bible into question works very well when you are talking to a Bible-believing audience. But it is a disastrous thing to do when you are talking, as I am constantly, to a world of people for whom the fact that something is in the Bible is a reason for not believing it.


You see, if they thought they had good evidence for something, and then they saw it in the Bible, they would begin to doubt. That is what has to be kept out of the argument if you are going to do what I to do, which is to focus on the defects in their [the evolutionist's] case—the bad logic, the bad science, the bad reasoning, and the bad evidence.




最終更新:2013年10月27日 22:37