難問 指導案

Hard Question a guidance plan                    
TOSS junior high school / Shiga   Takeshi Morisada

I recommend "hard problem class" empty time of the class.
After you hand out prints,you direct as follows.
│Direct 1                                                                                                         │
│ Choose between these five questions and solve the one qestion. │
│ If you can solve the one qestion,you got 100 points.                          │
│ If you make mistake,you got a 0 point.                                                  │
│ If you can solve,take your note.                                                               │
│ Start!                                                                                                            │
 Students take you their notes and you mark with a circle or X(cross).
 You need no explanation.

 First students challenge one after another.They say "I can solve quickly".
 But they make a mistake.
 You say nothing and mark with a X(cross).
 If they almost solve ,you may say "this is almost correct"
 If they don't solve,you may say "Can you teach answers"provocatively.
 If they solve the question,they jump for joy.
 I know when I give them hard question some of them become enthusistic a problem in a rest time.

If they can solve the question,you direct next.
│Direct 2                                                                    │
│ If you could solve the one question,yon can solve another one.             │
│ But even if you can solve the another one,you get 100 points.              │
│ If you make mistake the another one,you got a 0 point.                     │
│ Do you challenge the another one.                                          │
 There are students challenging two or three questions.
 Also you don't care there are students who don't challenge next question.
 You make such a student read a book.

You need no explanations to all of them.
As they solve themself,they jump for joy.
We have some way to teach correct answers.
 ① If you have much time,students express their answer.
 ② You put up their answers on the walls.
 ③ You put up correct answers on the walls.                                        
 ④ If you have much time,you explain answers.

最終更新:2009年10月24日 21:55


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