


神はお造りになったすべてのものを御覧になった。見よ、それは極めて良かった。夕べがあり、朝があった。第六の日である。 (創世記1章31節)

それについての、インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiのソリューションは、遡及的な堕落である。

In arguing that the Fall marks the entry of all evil into the world (both personal and natural evil), I make no assumptions about the age of the Earth, the extent of evolution, or the prevalence of design. The theodicy I develop here looks not to science but to the metaphysics of divine action and purpose. At the heart of this theodicy is the idea that the effects of the Fall can be retroactive as well as proactive (much as the saving effects of the Cross stretch not only forward in time but also backward, saving, for instance, the Old Testament saints) (p.19)


The young earth-solution to reconciling the order of creation with natural history makes good exegetical and theological sense, Indeed, the overwhelming consensus of theologians up through the Reformation held to this view. I myself would adopt it in a heartbeat except that nature seems to present such strong evidence against it. (p.55)


Given tha God responds to human sin across time (both retroactively and proactively), there never was a chronological moment when the world we inhabit was without natural evil (or a disposition toward it; it is, for instance, not apparent how, at the moment of the Big Bang, the universe could have exhibited natural evil).



最終更新:2013年11月23日 00:28