Kumicitのコンテンツ >宗教とインテリジェントデザイン


The exchange came in a debate before an audience of legal scholars and law students at Widener University Law School, as O'Donnell criticized Democratic nominee Chris Coons' position that teaching creationism in public school would violate the First Amendment by promoting religious doctrine.

Widener University Law Schoolの法学者および法学部学生を聴衆とするディベートでO'Donnell共和党候補が、公立学校で創造論を教えることは憲法修正第1条の定める宗教教義の宣伝にあたるという民主党j候補Chris Coonsの立場を批判した。

Coons said private and parochial schools are free to teach creationism but that "religious doctrine doesn't belong in our public schools."


"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?" O'Donnell asked him.


When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O'Donnell asked: "You're telling me that's in the First Amendment?"


This point --that the First Amendment does not call for the separation of church and state --is a favorite among some conservative religious activists who say that proponents of secularism have gone too far in removing religion from the public square.


Since January, Republicans on the board have passed more than 100 amendments to the 120-page curriculum standards affecting history, sociology and economics courses from elementary to high school. The standards were proposed by a panel of teachers. ... There are seven members of the conservative bloc on the board, but they are often joined by one of the other three Republicans on crucial votes. There were no historians, sociologists or economists consulted at the meetings, though some members of the conservative bloc held themselves out as experts on certain topics.

2010年1月以降、テキサス州教育委員会(15名構成)の共和党員たちは120ページのカリキュラム基準に、小学校から高校までの歴史・社会・経済に影響する100以上の修正を成立させた。カリキュラム基準は教師たちのパネルで提案されたものである。... 州教育委員会には保守勢力の7名の委員がいるが、重要な議決では、残る3人の共和党委員のうち1人が参加してきた。州教育委員会には歴史学者や社会学者や経済学者など助言者はいないが、保守勢力は特定の話題については専門家を自認している。

“I reject the notion by the left of a constitutional separation of church and state,” said David Bradley, a conservative from Beaumont who works in real estate. “I have $1,000 for the charity of your choice if you can find it in the Constitution.”

不動産業をしているBeaumont選出の保守派David Bradleyは「左翼が憲法に政教分離原則があるという主張を否定する。そんなことが書いてある場所を憲法に見つけたら1000ドルをチャリティに寄付する」と述べた。



最終更新:2014年02月01日 16:25