‘There are no beneficial mutations ’

This is not true, since some changes do confer an advantage in some situations. Rather, we should say, ‘We have yet to find a mutation that increases genetic information, even in those rare instances where the mutation confers an advantage.’


‘There are no beneficial mutations ’


Imagine a situation in which a group of such ‘normal’ fish swim into a stream which enters an underground cave, and become trapped in this pitch-dark environment. Their eyes are completely useless here.


But eyes do not ‘disappear’ just because they are no longer needed. The fish’s DNA would have programmed into it the instructions on constructing eyes, and the code on the DNA does not ‘know’ that the eye is no longer needed, so it will keep on manufacturing eyes, generation after generation.


However, due to the effects of the Curse on all creation (Genesis 3:19, Romans 8:2022), genetic copying errors (mutations) arise in all living things. In fact, in a moderate-sized population, many of these errors occur in each generation. It is not hard to see how one of these could result in a gene that usually ‘switches on’ eye development being corrupted, or somehow ‘switched off’, via mutation.

しかし、あらゆる被造物へのカースの効果によって(創世記 3章19節、ローマ人への手紙8章20~22節)、遺伝子複製のエラー(突然変異)があらゆる生物に起きる。実際、中規模の群れでは、世代ごとにこれらのエラーの多くが起きる。これらの変化のひとつが、突然変異により、本来は眼の成長をスイッチオンする遺伝子を壊すか、スイッチオフしてしまうことがありうるのは想像に難くない。

In a normal above-ground situation, such eyeless fish would probably never survive much past early infancy, because they would be so handicapped both in locating food and escaping predators. So for all practical purposes, we never see eyeless fish in the wild where there is sunlight.


However, in the cave, it is a different matter. The eyeless type no longer suffers this disadvantage compared to its compatriots. Not only that, the eyeless ones even have an advantage over the others. This is because, as fish bumped into rocks and cave walls in the darkness, the eyed ones would be likely to injure their eyes. The delicate tissue of eyes is prone to injury, which would allow harmful bacteria to enter, leading to infection and often death.


The eyed fish would thus have a lesser chance of surviving to produce offspring. Those fish carrying the ‘eyeless’ genetic defect would have a greater chance of passing it on to the next generation, so it would not take many generations under such circumstances for all the fish to be of the ‘eyeless’ type.




I cannot find anywhere on our website or in our publications where we make the claim that all mutations are bad. On the contrary, we do believe that certain mutations can have beneficial outcomes, as experimental science has shown...
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最終更新:2009年08月12日 23:39