‘No new species have been produced.’

This is not true—new species have been observed to form. In fact, rapid speciation is an important part of the creation model. But this speciation is within the ‘kind’, and involves no new genetic information.


‘No new species have been produced.’


All of these animals’ ancestors -- horses, donkey, zebras, tigers, lions, whales, and dolphins -- were created with genetic diversity. Through time the processes of natural selection, mutation, and other mechanisms have altered that original information (decreased or degenerated) to give us even more variation within a kind. Great variety can be observed in the offspring of animals of the same kind, just as the same cake recipe can be used to make many different cakes with various flavors and colors.


When God first created animals, he created them according to their kinds, with the ability to reproduce, and with instructions to increase in number and fill the earth (and seas; Genesis 1:2022, 2428). After the Flood, land animals and birds that had been preserved on the Ark again reproduced to fill the earth (Genesis 8:1519).

神が動物たちを創造したとき、動物たちを種類(kind)ごとに、繁殖する能力と、数を増やして地上(と海)を満たすように命じて創造した[創世記1章22-22,24-28 節]。洪水の後で、箱舟で生き残った陸上動物たちと鳥たちは、再び繁殖して地球を満たした[創世記8章15-19節]。

Baraminologists (creation scientists who work to identify created kinds) have determined that many animals represented by a single breeding pair on the Ark have diversified so that today they are typically represented by a whole family. For example, the family Canidae is believed to be made up of animals from one baramin, a single created kind.1 This family includes dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, and jackals. It consists of 34 species from 14 genera that are widely distributed on every continent except Antarctica, confirming that they have indeed increased in number and multiplied on the earth (cf. Genesis 8:17). The Bible mentions dogs, foxes, wolves, and possibly jackals. Both dogs and wolves are first mentioned less than a millennium after the Flood, indicating that diversification occurred very rapidly.

創造された種類 (kind)を同定しようとする創造科学者たるbaramin学者たちは、多くの動物たちが箱舟に載せられた、ひとつがいから多様化したので、ひとつの科の全体が、ひとつがいで代表されると結論した。たとえば、イヌ科はひとつのbaraminすなわち、ひとつの創造された種類(kind)から派生したと信じられている。この科には犬と狼とコヨーテとキツネとジャッカルが含まれる。この科は14属34種から構成され、南極以外のすべての大陸に生息し、実際にその数を増やし地球上で繁殖した[創世記8章17節]。聖書は犬と狼とおそらくジャッカルに言及した。犬と狼はいずれも洪水後の最初の千年紀に言及されている。このことは急速に多様化が進んだことを示している。


One of the most confusing aspects of the creation/evolution controversy is that there are several distinct definitions for the word evolution that evolutionists constantly blur together.15 One definition involves change (presumably with a genetic basis) in a population over time. Given this definition, evolution has certainly taken place. Ironically, it is the creationist model that requires such changes to be able to occur relatively rapidly. There are a number of examples in the available literature that demonstrate rapid adaptive evolution when animals are introduced into a new environment or the environment changes.16 In fact, evolutionists have had to modify their model to accommodate these observations.









最終更新:2009年08月13日 08:42