
インテリジェントデザインの科学哲学担当のDr. Stephen C. Meyerは「 The Return of the God Hypothesis 」という1999年の記事で、自然主義(機械論たる自然科学)や理神論あるいは汎神論よりも、有神論がビッグバンをよく説明できると言う。




First, theism, with its notion of a transcendent Creator, provides a more causally adequate explanation of the Big Bang singularity than a fully naturalistic explanation can offer. Since naturalism assumes that, in Carl Sagan s formulation, the Cosmos is all that is, or ever was or ever will be (1980: 4), naturalism denies the existence of any entity with the causal powers capable of explaining the origin of the universe as a whole. Since the Big Bang, in conjunction with general relativity, implies a singular beginning for matter, space, time, and energy (Hawking & Penrose 1970), it follows that any entity capable of explaining this singularity must transcend these four dimensions or domains. In so far as God, as conceived by Judeo-Christian theists, possesses precisely such transcendent causal powers, theism provides a better explanation than naturalism for the singularity affirmed by Big Bang cosmology.

まず、超越的創造者という考えを持つ有神論は、完全に自然主義な説明よりも、因果律的に適切にビッグバンの特異性を説明できる。Carl Saganの公式化[1980]において、自然主義は宇宙はそれだけがすべてであり、過去もそうであり、未来もそうであると仮定する。そして、自然主義は宇宙の起源を説明できる因果の力を持つ存在を否定する。一般相対論とともにビッグバンは、物質・空間・時間・エネルギーの特異的始まりを意味し [Hawking & Penrose 1970]、従ってこの特異性を説明できるものは、これら4つの次元と領域を超越しなければならない。ユダヤ教とキリスト教の有神論者が主張する神は超越的因果の力を正確に持つので、有神論は自然主義よりもビッグバン宇宙論の特異性をよく説明できる。

ネタが古いすぎ。四半世紀前の Carl Sagan:"Cosmos" を持ち出して、ビッグバンについての普通の自然科学の立場の例にされても。1980年代にはビッグバンの外側に理論が及び始めていたはずだが(それはそれで、ファインチューニング議論が続くわけだが)。

それはさておき、有神論は自然科学より説明力があって当然。かの有名な"God of the gaps"という議論方法があるくらいだ。「科学に説明できないことは神様のせいなのさ」ということで、絶対に説明力は、科学よりも高い。



Theism also provides a better explanation for the origin of the universe than does pantheism, for much the same reason. Though a pantheistic worldview affirms the existence of an impersonal god, the god of pantheistic religions and philosophy exists within, and is co-extensive with, the physical universe. God as conceived by pantheists cannot act to bring the physical universe into being from nothing (physical), since such a god does not exist independently of the physical universe. If initially the physical universe did not exist, the pantheistic god would not exist either. If it did not exist, it could not be invoked to explain the origin of the universe from (physical) nothing.




Of course, the evidence for the Big Bang alone may not provide support for the other attributes of God. While the Big Bang seems best explained by a transcendent cause, it may not, by itself, imply an intelligent or rational cause. Yet this alone does not diminish the epistemic support that the Big Bang theory provides for aspects of theistic belief, namely, theism's affirmation of a finite universe and a specifically transcendent Creator. Other types of scientific evidence may provide support for other attributes of a theistic God, or even other aspects of Biblical teaching.




Admittedly, theism, naturalism, and pantheism are not the only world-views that can be offered as metaphysical explanations for the three classes of evidences. Deism, like theism, for example, can explain the cosmological singularity and the anthropic fine-tuning. Like theism, deism conceives of God as both a transcendent and intelligent Creator. Nevertheless, deism denies that God has continued to participate in His Creation, either as a sustaining presence or an actor within Creation after the origin of the universe. Thus, deism would have difficulty accounting for any evidence of discrete acts of design or creation during the history of the cosmos (that is, after the Big Bang). Yet precisely such evidence now exists in the biological realm.




  • 「有神論=神は創造後の宇宙に関与する」という立場と、それは神の存在の証拠と考える。
  • 「理神論=神は創造後の宇宙に関与しない」という立場だと、人間が未知である、神が創造した自然法則があると考える。



最終更新:2009年08月28日 00:43