Kumicitのコンテンツ > 欧州情勢 >欧州評議会の「創造論とIDの危険性についての決議」

創造論とIDの危険性についての決議 (1) 報告書前文

Doc. 11375
17 September 2007

The dangers of creationism in education

B. Explanatory memorandum

Introductory note by Mrs Anne Brasseur, Luxembourg, ALDE

1. The Committee on Culture, Science and Education approved the report by Mr Guy Lengagne on this subject with one vote against and one abstention on 31 May in St Petersburg. Following a decision by the Assembly Bureau, the report should have been discussed during the Assembly June part-session, together with two other reports by the Committee, in a joint debate on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue.

文化科学教育委員会は、本件についてのGuy Lengagne氏の報告書を反対1棄権1で、2007年5月31日にSt Petersburgで承認した。議会事務局の決定後、文化間および宗教間対話についての共同討議で、委員会からの他のレポートとともに6月の会期に議論されることになていた。

2. On 25 June, while adopting the order of business for the June part-session, the Assembly approved a proposal to refer this report back to the Committee. On 26 June, the Committee expressed its support for the Rapporteur, Mr Lengagne, and underlined its determination to see this subject on the agenda for the next plenary session in October. As Mr Lengagne was leaving the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Committee appointed me to succeed him as Rapporteur.


3. The Assembly decision not to discuss this issue in its June session attracted the attention of the media. This showed beyond any doubt that the discussion of the dangers of creationism in education is a politically topical question which should be dealt with by the Council of Europe and most particularly by its Committee on Culture, Science and Education.


4. I make a point of personally thanking Mr Lengagne for his commitment, his competence and his scientific rigour.


5. The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief -- the right to freedom of belief does not permit that. The aim is to warn against certain tendencies to pass off a belief as science.


6. It is necessary to separate belief from science. It is not a matter of antagonism. Science and belief must be able to coexist. It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science.


7. For these reasons I propose that Mr Guy Lengagne’s text, to which I have made several changes in order to take into account certain comments, serve as the basis for our debate.

これらの理由により。私はGuy Lengagne氏の報告書記載内容を、我々の討議の基礎として使うために、コメントを反映した修正を提案する。

Report of Mr Guy Lengagne (revised)

1. Mr McIntosh and eighteen of our colleagues have signed a motion for a recommendation entitled “The dangers of creationism in education”. In order to examine the merits of this recommendation, the Assembly decided to ask the Culture Committee to produce a report on this important and difficult issue.


2. As creationism is first of all a reaction to the theory of evolution, it appeared important to describe this theory. Moreover, the most orthodox form of creationism denies the scientific character of the theory of evolution while claiming to be a science itself. This question cannot be considered without employing some basic definitions.


3. This compelled me to discuss in the first part of my report a number of technical matters. These may seem somewhat dry in nature but without taking a brief look at the biological questions involved it is not possible seriously to show that evolution is a real science and that creationism, which falls under religion, cannot lay claim to the status of science -- and therefore cannot be taught as such.


最終更新:2010年01月17日 20:51