

長期トレンドをみるにはGallup Pollの調査:

Gallup Poll. May 3-6, 2012. N=1,012 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.

"Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin and development of human beings? (1) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process. (2) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process. (3) God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so." Options rotated 1-3, 3-1

(1) 人間は数百万年以上かけて、より発展していない形態から発展してきたが、この過程を神が導いた。
(2) 人間は数百万年以上かけて、より発展していない形態から発展してきたが、この過程に神は役割を果たしていない。
(3) 神は人間を現在の形態で1万年以内に創造した。

by God
God Had
No Part
God Created in
Present Form
5/3-6/2012 32 15 46 7
12/10-12/2010 38 16 40 5
5/ 8-11/2008 36 14 44 5
5/10-13/2007 38 14 43 4
5/ 8-11/2006 36 13 46 5
11/2004 38 13 45 4
2/2001 37 12 45 5
8/1999 40 9 47 4
11/1997 39 10 44 7
6/1993 35 11 47 7
1982 38 9 44 9


by God
God Had
No Part
God Created in
Present Form
共和党 31 5 58 6
民主党 34 19 39 8
中立 34 19 41 6

by God
God Had
No Part
God Created in
Present Form
共和党 36 8 52 4
民主党 39 21 34 6
中立 40 20 34 5

by God
God Had
No Part
God Created in
Present Form
共和党 32 4 60 4
民主党 39 17 38 6
中立 36 19 40 5



NBC News Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). March 8-10, 2005. N=800 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.

"Which do you think is more likely to actually be the explanation for the origin of human life on Earth: evolution or the biblical account of creation?" Asked of those who answered "Biblical account": "And by this do you mean that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh as described in the Book of Genesis, or that God was a divine presence in the formation of the universe?"

地球上の人類の起源についての説明でどれが本当らしいと考えているか? 進化・創造についての聖書の記述? 聖書の記述と回答した人々に、「創世記に書かれているように、神は宇宙を6日間で創造して、7日目に休んだ」か「宇宙の形成に神が影響した」のどちらかを問うた。

Evolution(進化) 33
Biblical account (聖書の記述) 57
Created in six days (世界は6日間で創造された) 44
Divine presence (神は世界の創造に影響した) 13
None of the above (どれでもない) 3
Unsure (わからない) 7

世論調査 米国人が信じているもの

連続性が保たれてないような気もする Harris Poll の米国人の信じてるもの世論調査(2005, 2007, 2009, 2013 )から...

2005 2007 2009 2013
% % % %
82 82 82 74
奇跡 73 79 76 72
天国 75 75 75 68
天使 74 74 72 68
イエスは神あるいは神の子 72 72 73 68
イエスの復活 70 70 70 65
死後の魂の存在 69 69 71 64
地獄 62 62 61 58
悪魔 62 62 60 58
処女懐胎 60 60 61 57
ダーウィンの進化論 42 42 45 47
幽霊 41 41 42 42
創造論 39 39 40 36
UFO 35 35 32 36
魔女 31 31 23 26
占星術 29 29 26 29
輪廻転生 21 21 20 24




Some people are referred to as 'creationist's' and believe that human beings were in fact created by a spiritual force such as the God they believe in and do not believe that the origin of man came from evolving from other species such as apes - Countries

Total 28%
Saudi Arabia 75%
Turkey 60%
Indonesia 57%
South Africa 56%
Brazil 47%
United States 40%
Russia 34%
India 33%
Mexico 32%
Argentina 26%
Poland 25%
South Korea 24%
Canada 22%
Italy 21%
Australia 15%
Hungary 13%
Germany 12%
Great Britain 12%
China 11%
Spain 11%
Japan 10%
Sweden 10%
France 9%
Belgium 8%


最終更新:2013年12月19日 20:30