
インテリジェントデザインの本山たる Discovery Institute は、ダーウィニズムあるいは唯物論は自由意志を否定するものだと声高に主張し続けている:

For many intellectuals a scientifically-informed world view was a materialistic world view in which the mere mention of entities such as God, free will, mind, soul or purpose seemed inherently disreputable. Materialism denied evidence of any intelligent design in nature and any ultimate purpose to human existence.

[ Stephen C. Meyer: "The Intercollegiate Review 31, no. 2", 1996/04/01 ]

One prominent member of the Monist League, August Forel, a world famous psychiatrist at the University of Zurich, described his initial encounter with Darwinism as a kind of conversion experience. He explained that Darwinism had convinced him that body-soul dualism was no longer tenable and that humans have no free will.

Monist Leagueの有力メンバーのひとりで、University of Zurichの世界的に有名な精神科医であるAugust Forelは、ダーウィニズムとの出会いを転向経験のようなものだと記述した。彼はダーウィニズムによって、肉体と精神という二元論がもはや維持できず、人間に自由意志がないことを納得したと記述した。
[ Richard Weikart: "Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?", 2004/03/01 ]

E.O. Wilson argues that since “nature is organized by simple universal laws of physics to which all other laws and principles can eventually be reduced.” Everything -- even human history and behavior -- is rooted in, and ultimately reducible to, the physical. Thus, free will (for instance) is only a happy illusion, and morality came to be naturally, from ultimately physical causes, just like every other human trait.

E.O. Wilson (Harvardの生物学教授)は、「自然界は単純な物理法則によって構築され、他の法則や原理は最終的にはそれらの物理法則に帰着する」と論じた。人間の歴史や行動さえも、すべては物理法則に根ざし、最終的には物理法則に還元される。従って、たとえば自由意志は幸福な幻想に過ぎず、倫理は人間のほかの特徴と同じく最終的には物理的原因に起因する。
[ Paul Nelson: "Literature Survey:Darwin’s Theology", 1998/06/01 ]



wikipedia:Omniscience (全知の神)によれば、全知とは:

  • inherent omniscience the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known
  • total omniscience actually knowing everything that can be known.
Many modern theologians argue that God's omniscience is inherent rather than total, and that God chooses to limit his omniscience in order to preserve the freewill and dignity of his creatures.
「知りうること(can be known)」となっているのは、『「すべてのクレタ人は嘘をつく」というクレタ人の発言は真か偽か?』といった原理的に答えがない問題があるから。


wikipedia:Omniscience によれば全知な神と人間の自由意志を整合させようとして以下のような神学が提案された:
God can know in advance what I will do, because free will is to be understood only as freedom from coercion, and anything further is an illusion.
普通の意味での自由意志などないというもの。これではDiscovery Instituteも救われないだろう。

God can know in advance what I will do, even though free will in the fullest sense of the phrase does exist. God somehow has a "middle knowledge" - that is, knowledge of how free agents will act in any given circumstances.

God can know all possibilities. The same way a master chess player is able to anticipate not only one scenario but several and prepare the moves in response to each scenario, God is able to figure all consequences from what I will do next moment, since my options are multiple but still limited.


God chooses to foreknow and foreordain (and, therefore, predetermine) some things, but not others. This allows a free moral choice on the part of man for those things that God choose not to foreordain. It accomplishes this by attributing to God the ability for Him, Himself, to be a free moral agent with the ability to choose what He will, and will not, foreknow, assuming God exists in linear time (or at least an analogue thereof) where "foreknowledge" is a meaningful concept.


It is not possible for God to know the result of a free human choice. Omniscience should therefore be interpreted to mean "knowledge of everything that can be known". God can know what someone will do, but only by predetermining it; thus, he chooses the extent of human freedom by choosing what (if anything) to know in this way.


Instead of producing a parallel model in God's own infallible mind of the future contingent actions of a free agent (thus suppressing the agent's free will), God encodes his knowledge of the agent's actions in the original action itself.



God stands outside time, and therefore can know everything free agents do, since He does not know these facts "in advance", he knows them before they are even conceived and long after the actions have occurred. The free agent's future actions therefore remain continent to himself and others in linear time but are logically necessary to God on account of His infallibly accurate all-encompassing view. This was the solution offered by Thomas Aquinas (See also Divine Providence versus the concept of Fate).


God passively seeing the infinite future in no way alters it, anymore than us reading a history book influences the past by simply observing it retrospectively. However, He might choose (or not) to read any chapter or the ending, or open the book at any page.




以上からすると、Discovery Instituteによる、ダーウィニズムあるいは唯物論は自由意志を否定するものだという主張もまた、「進化論で説明できないものはデザインだ」と同じくNagative Argumentとしての実装だと言える。すなわち

  • ダーウィニズムあるいは唯物論は自由意志を否定する
  • ダーウィニズムあるいは唯物論の反対は、デザイン論あるいは有神論である
  • 従って、デザイン論あるいは有神論は自由意志を否定しない


結局のところ、Discovery Instituteが進化生物学と戦うための方法は、Nagative Argumentあるいは過てる二元論しかないということだろう。

最終更新:2010年05月15日 15:24