

Forty-Five students were recruited from the Harvard Summer School study pool and were given class credit as reimbursement for their participation. Three of these students did not complete the survey in its entirety and were dropped from the sample. Of the remaining 42, 29 were high school students from across the United States and 13 were college undergraduates from a variety of universities (only two attended Harvard). The average number of biology classes taken by this group of participants was 1.5 (rangeD0 to 4), and 76% of participants claimed to be familiar with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Ninety-Five percent agreed with the statement “species have changed over time;” 69% agreed with the statement “natural selection is the best explanation for how a species adapts to its environment;” and 62% disagreed with the statement “the origin of human beings requires a different explanation than the origin of other species.” Thus, the sample included two anti-evolutionists (most likely creationists) and at least thirteen students skeptical of natural selection.

Harvard Summer Schoolから45名の学生・生徒を集め、参加者には謝礼として"class credit"を付与した。これらの学生・生徒のうち3名が調査を完了できなかったので、サンプルからドロップした。残り42名のうち、29名は米国各地からの高校生、13名が様々な大学(うち2名のみがHarvard)からの参加だった。参加者の生物学の授業取得数の平均は1.5であり、参加者の76%がダーウィンの進化論を知っていると回答した。95%が「種は時間を経て変化してきた」の同意し、69%が「種が環境に適応する方法を最も良く説明しているのが自然選択である」に同意し、62%が「人間の起源は、他の種の起源とは異なる説明が必要だ」に不同意だった。従って、サンプルは2名の反進化論者(おそらく創造論者)と、少なくとも13名の自然選択に懐疑的な者を含んでいる。

Three individuals with doctorates in biology were also asked to participate in the study in order to validate the test measures. Two of these individuals held faculty positions at major research universities, and the other taught college-level biology courses at a high school. As expected, all three agreed with the statements “species have changed over time” and “natural selection is the best explanation for how a species adapts to its environment” and disagreed with the statement “the origin of human beings requires a different explanation than the origin of other species.”



Shtulman [2006]>http://faculty.oxy.edu/shtulman/documents/2006a.pdf?の研究内容は、回答パターンのクラスタ分析をして、グループ分けして、グループごとの回答傾向を見るものである。米国人の理解度調査が主たる目的ではない。

それはそれとして、Harvard Summer School参加の高校生・大学生42名と別途依頼の生物の博士学位取得者3名の成績分布は以下の通り:

全体としては、蛾の色の変化(1. 変異)や人間とチンパンジー(5. 種形成)や系統樹(6. 絶滅)の成績が悪め。

-1 0 +1 平均
1. 変異 125 5 95 -0.13
2. 継承 79 43 103 0.11
3. 適応 117 0 108 -0.04
4. 育種 90 18 117 0.12
5. 種形成 97 48 80 -0.08
6. 絶滅 113 16 96 -0.08


最終更新:2012年04月23日 07:15