Kumicitのコンテンツ>裁判関連>Institute or Creation Research大学院



ICRがテキサス州高等教育委員会を訴えた (2009/04/20)

National Center for Science Educationによれば、"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリInstitute for Creation Research(ICR)は、ICR大学院の認証を求めて、Texas Higher Education Coordinating Boardを訴えた:

The Institute for Creation Research Graduate School filed suit over the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's decision to deny the ICR's request for a state certificate of authority to offer a master's degree in science education. The complaint, filed on April 16, 2009, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, named Raymund Paredes, the Texas Commissioner of Higher Education, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and its members as defendants, in both their official and individual capacities, accusing them of imposing "an unconstitutional and prejudicial burden against ICRGS's academic freedom and religious liberties" (p. 63) and asking the court for declarative and injunctive relief.

ICR大学院は理科教育修士学位の州認証の申請を却下したテキサス州高等教育委員会の決定を不服として訴えた。2009年4月16日にテキサス州北部地裁に受理された訴えによれば、Raymund Paredesテキサス州高等教育コミッショナーとテキサス州高等教育委員会および委員を被告として、「ICR大学院の学問の自由と宗教の自由に対する憲法に反した不利な扱い」を訴え、法廷に対して法的救済を求めた。

これについて、テキサス州の地方紙の論評記事がいくつか出ている。allas Morning Newsは淡々と次のように評している:

The Institute for Creation Research is a Dallas-based group that believes "[a]ll things in the universe were created and made by God in the six literal days of the Creation Week described in Genesis."
It also believes that the "first human beings did not evolve from an animal ancestry, but were specially created in fully human form from the start."

"The Institute for Creation Research"はDallasを本拠とするグループで、創世記に描かれているとおり、文字通りの6日間の創造の週に、神が宇宙のすべてを創造したと信じている。さらに、最初の人間は動物の祖先から進化したのではなく、最初から完全な人間として創造されたと信じている。

The group thinks it's qualified to award an "advanced degree in science education."
In other words, it wants to train future science teachers, even though it doesn't accept some of the most fundamental tenets of established biology and geology.


これに対して、Houston PressはICRは「If the Bible says it, it must be so! It's science.」と言っているとバッサリ:

The entire suit is here, but here's a highlight:

訴えの全文は ここ にあるが、ハイライトはこれだ:

As a matter of institutional [ICR] has sincerely taught its students that the theory of evolution, and the proposed billions-of-years-old "geologic time," is 'science falsely so-called.' 1st Timothy 6:20...[ICR] simply agrees with, and thus adopts, the Bible-transmitted view of the aspostle Paul, who wrote that the natural creation so effectively displays proof of God's creatorship that anyone who rejects that evidence is 'without excuse.'"


So there! If the Bible says it, it must be so! It's science.



当然のことながら、Barry W. Lynn牧師率いる政教分離のための米国人同盟(AU)も、Sandhya Bathijaが声明を出している。その中で、学位を出したければ宗教として出すべきと述べている:

All of IRC’s coursework reflects the fundamentalist religious belief that Earth is only 6,000 years old. According to the group’s Web site, the institute “equips believers with evidence of the Bible’s accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework.”



To compromise, the board told IRC it would approve the degree under another name, such as Creation Studies, Christian Apologetics, Genesis Studies, Creation Apologetics or Origins Theology. The degree would then be comparable to those offered at similar Christian institutions of higher learning, according to Steven Schafersman, president of Texas Citizens for Science.

テキサス州高等教育委員会がICRに通告した内容と妥協するには、修士学位を別の名前、たとえば創造研究・キリスト教護教学・創世記研究・創造論護教学・起源神学で出すべきだろう。Texas Citizens for Scienceの代表であるSteven Schafersmanによれば、その修士学位は、同様なキリスト教大学院が出す修士学位と同様なものである。



進まないICR大学裁判 (2009/08/20)

Panda's ThumbのTimothy Sandefur によれば、ICRは裁判所から訴状の修正を求められ、2009年8月5日に全面改訂したバージョンを提出した:
As I observed earlier, the original complaint in the case was 67 single-spaced pages long, and included 86 footnotes, including one that took up an entire page. It was a masterpiece of how not to write a complaint.

Well, the federal court didn’t take lightly to that, and ordered the ICR to file an amended complaint that complies with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the ICR has now done so . The new complaint is 20 double-spaced pages…but it is 20 pages of non-stop, thigh-slapping hilarity. It contains language that appears to be randomly cobbled together through some sort of Lawyer Phrase Generator, ...




ICR大学院の敗北 (2010/06/22)


The Institute for Creation Research suffered a significant legal defeat in its lawsuit over the Texas Higher Education Coordination Board's 2008 decision to deny the ICR's request for a state certificate of authority to offer a master's degree in science education from its graduate school. A June 18, 2010, ruling in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas found (PDF , p. 38) that "ICRGS [the Institute for Creation Research Graduate School] has not put forth evidence sufficient to raise a genuine issue of material fact with respect to any claim it brings. Thus, Defendants are entitled to summary judgment on the totality of ICRGS's claims against them in this lawsuit."

"Institute for Creation Research"は自らの大学院で理科教育修士号の授与する州の認証を求めた申請をテキサス州高等教育委員会(THECB)が却下したの2008年の決定に打撃を受けていた。2010年6月18日に、テキサス州Western District地裁は「ICGRS(ICR大学院)は、その主張に関する事実の真正な問題を提示するための十分な証拠を示さなかった。したがって、被告はこの訴訟における被告に対するICR大学院の主張全体に対する略式判決に権利がある」


ICR大学院(ICR Graduate Schoolのicr.eduは消滅。アクセスするとicr.orgドメイン内の Educationページ に飛ばされようになった。そして、新たにicr.orgドメイン内に、 School of Biblical Apologetics, Institute for Creation Research が登場した。これは理科教育修士ではなく、キリスト教教育修士(Master of Christian Education)を授与する学校(通信制)となっている。

11. Is ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics program accredited?

Due to the nature of ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics-a predominantly religious education school-it is exempt from licensing by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Likewise, ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics is legally exempt from being required to be accredited by any secular or ecumenical or other type of accrediting association.

最終更新:2012年07月11日 22:43