Claim CD110:
Meteor craters are never found in deeper strata, as they should be if the strata were deposited over many millions of years.

Wysong, R. L., 1976. The Creation-Evolution Controversy. Midland, MI: Inquiry Press, p. 171.

  1. 少なくとも130個のクレーター化石が、先カンブリア紀から最近までの範囲で見つかっている[Grieve 1997]。
  2. さらにクレータに加えて、我々は、衝撃結晶やガラスの微小球体や、地球外気体を含むフラーレン[Becker et al. 2000]や隕石などの、隕石衝突の証拠を見つけている。

  1. Earth Impact Database, 2003.
  2. Greene, Todd S., 2000, 2002. Impact craters on Earth.
  3. Matson, Dave E., 1994. How good are those young-earth arguments?

  1. Becker, Luann, Robert J. Poreda and Ted E. Bunch, 2000. Fullerenes: An extraterrestrial carbon carrier phase for noble gases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 97: 2979-2983.
  2. Grieve, R. A. F., 1997. Extraterrestrial impact events: the record in the rocks and the stratigraphic column. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 132: 5-23.

Further Readings:
  1. Becker, Luann, 2002. Repeated blows. Scientific American 286(3) (Mar.): 76-83.
  2. Montanari, A., and C. Koeberl, 2000. Impact Stratigraphy: The Italian Record. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. (technical)

最終更新:2012年07月28日 23:39