Kumicitのコンテンツ>創造論ネタ?>Appeal to consequence

Appeal to consequence詭弁

創造論者/インテリジェントデザイン支持者のよく使う詭弁に"Appeal to consequence"というのがある。定義としては、こんなかんじ:

Appeal to Consequences
Appeal to Consequences of a Belief
Argumentum ad Consequentiam

Forms (形式)

(Belief in) p leads to good consequences.
(Where the good consequences are irrelevant to the truth of p.)
Therefore, p is true.


(Belief in) p leads to bad consequences.
(Where the bad consequences are irrelevant to the falsity of p.)
Therefore, p is false.



…I want to list seventeen summary statements which, if true, provide abundant reason why the reader should reject evolution and accept special creation as his basic world-view. …


13. Belief in special creation has a salutary influence on mankind, since it encourages responsible obedience to the Creator and considerate recognition of those who were created by Him. …


16. Belief in evolution and animal kinship leads normally to selfishness, aggressiveness, and fighting between groups, as well as animalistic attitudes and behaviour by individuals.


Source: Henry M. Morris, The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth (Creation-Life Publishers, 1972), pp. vi-viii.

例文は"若い地球の創造論者"Dr. Henry M. Morrisによる1972年の作品だが、これは今も昔も使われている論。

ただし、Dr. Henry M. Morrisほど明瞭な形をとらず、「P(を信じること)は悪い結果につながる」だけを連呼する形式が多い。Mark Isaakによる Creationist Claims ( 創造論者の主張リスト )にはこれに相当する項目がある:

最終更新:2013年03月15日 07:48