
インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteのインテリジェントデザイン部門であるCenter for Science and Cultureの 副センター長 であり、シニアフェローである社会学者Dr. John G. Westが、自著" Darwin Day in America をダイジェストした" The Abolition of Man? "の3つめの論点「人間性喪失 」について。


A third influence of scientific materialism on public policy has been dehumanization. Although its supporters saw scientific materialism as a way to solve social problems and advance human dignity, the historical record shows that it often denigrated entire classes of humanity. The claim that men and women could be reduced to their physical capacities plus their material inputs turned out to be profoundly dehumanizing.


In criminal justice, the belief that a person was, in the words of one textbook, "no more 'responsible' for becoming wilful and committing a crime than the flower for becoming red and fragrant"[16] may have led to more humane treatment in some cases, but it also robbed the criminal offender of the dignity of being treated as a rational being whose choices matter. At the same time, in many other cases it opened the door to horrific forms of "scientific" rehabilitation that never would have been allowed if they had been imposed as punishments.


[16]Nathaniel Cantor, Crime, Criminals and Criminal Justice (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1932), p. 265.


なお、[16]Nathaniel Cantorの本は入手できそうにないが、確かに引用された一文が存在することは books.googleで確認できた 。ただし、この引用部分が19世紀のLudwig Buchnerという人物の執筆物として引用されているが見れられる。


In sex education, the depiction of human sexuality as little more than mammalian behavior reduced human beings to the level of animals and drained human relationships of the moral and spiritual context that gave them their deepest meaning.


In the corporate world, scientific materialism fed eugenic employment policies and the use of advertising to manipulate consumers scientifically into purchasing products.



In the welfare system, the quest to identify the biological roots of poverty paved the way for forced sterilization, anti-immigrant hysteria, and the demonization of anyone who was regarded as physically or mentally imperfect.


The impact of scientific materialism on welfare policy is especially worth noting because it directly challenged the guiding principles of the existing social-welfare system. Charity in the traditional view was premised on the idea that all human beings are created in the image of God and therefore worthy of assistance, mercy, and redemption. Eugenic welfare reformers denounced such humanitarian views as false and dangerous. Harvard biologist Edward East attacked the idea that "man is created in the image of God" as unscientific and suggested that the claim that all human beings have equal worth is ludicrous.[17] Margaret Sanger warned of the "dangers inherent in the very idea of humanitarianism and altruism, dangers which have today produced their full harvest of human waste, of inequality and inefficiency."[18]

福祉政策に対する科学的唯物論の影響は、それが特に既存の社会福祉制度を導いている原理に直接に疑問を呈した点に注意する価値がある。伝統的な見方における慈善は、人間は神の似姿に創られ、したがって、援助と慈悲と贖罪に値するものだという考えを前提としていた。優生学的福祉改革者たちは、そのような人道的な見方が誤っていて危険なものだと非難した。Harvardの生物学者Edward Eastは「人間が神の似姿に創造された」という考え方を非科学的だと攻撃し、すべての人間が同じ価値を持つという主張が奇妙なものだと示唆した。[17] Margaret Sangerは「人道主義と利他主義について、まさしくその考えの点が、不平等と非効率性の危険性、今日、人間の廃棄物を完全に収穫する危険性」を警告した。[18]

[17]Edward M. East, Heredity and Human Affairs (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1927), p. 29.
[18]Margaret Sanger in Michael W. Perry, ed., The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective (Seattle, Wash.: Inkling Books, 2001), p. 214.



America's experience with the dehumanizing effects of scientific materialism was far from exceptional. The three regimes of the 20th century best known for being founded explicitly on the principles of scientific materialism--Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and Communist China--are most remembered for their horrific brutality rather than any advancement of human dignity. In Germany, the connection between scientific materialism and Nazi crimes against humanity is unmistakable, as historian Richard Weikart has ably demonstrated in his recent book on the influence of Darwinian ethics in Germany.[19]

科学的唯物論の人間性喪失の影響に接した米国の経験は特別なものではない。科学的唯物論の原則に直接に基づいて建国されたことが知られている20世紀の3つの体制たる、ソビエトロシアとナチスドイツと共産中国は、いかなる人間の尊厳の発展よりも、恐るべき残忍さによって記憶されている。歴史家Richard Weikartがドイツにおけるダーウィン倫理の影響を明らかにした最近の著書で、ドイツにおける科学的唯物論とナチの人道に対する犯罪の関係が紛れもないことを示した。[19]

[19]Richard Weikart, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).

Richard Weikartはインテリジェントデザインの本山たる Discovery Instituteのフェロー である。インテリジェントデザインが査読論文が皆無に等しいように、"Darwin to Hitler"という彼の主張も同様である。


The dehumanizing effects of scientific materialism remain a live issue for public policy today, espcially in so-called right-to-die cases. Efforts to redefine mentally and physically disabled infants and adults as already dead, the widespread careless diagnosis of the "persistent vegetative state," and the demeaning rhetoric of bioethicists such as Peter Singer all raise, chillingly, the ghosts of evils past.

科学的唯物論の人間性喪失の影響は、今日の公共政策において、特に死ぬ権利をめぐって、問題でありつづけている。精神的および肉体的な障害胎児と成人を既に死んでいるものと再定義しようとする努力と、「持続的な植物状態」の広範囲にわたる不注意な診断と、Peter Singerにような生物倫理学者による品位を落とすレトリックは、凍りつくような過去の悪しき幻影を呼び覚ます。

Dr. John G Westは脳死と移植について述べている。脳死による移植手術の状況を考えれば、この部分だけは、間違いなく米国よりも日本に多くの支持者を見つけるだろう。


最終更新:2013年05月04日 23:08