
Teach The Controversy(進化論をめぐる論争を教えろ)

インテリジェントデザイン教育の義務付けに失敗したインテリジェントデザイン運動が、公立学校理科教育への侵入のために取ったのが「Teach The Controversy」という手段である。これは、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば...

Whether providing students with an opportunity to evaluate the scientific credibility of creationism actually advances their understanding of evolution depends on the level of students, the objective of the assignment, and how the assignment is designed. Research indicates (Verhey 2005) college students gain a better understanding of why evolution is accepted science, and why creationism, creation science, and intelligent design are not appropriate scientific topics when given an opportunity to examine antievolutionist claims.

However, “teaching the controversy”, as though there are scientific controversies about whether evolution occurred, is another matter altogether, and particularly inappropriate in a public high school science classroom. As Scott and Branch (2003) [link to article] point out, “presenting all sides of a controversial issue appeals to popular values of fairness, openness and equality of opportunity”, but they reject this approach when applied to evolution, pointing out that it is “scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically irresponsible to teach that scientists seriously debate the validity of evolution”.


しかしながら、「進化が起きたか否かについての科学的論争」として「論争の存在を教えろ」というのは別問題である。特に、公立高校の理科の授業で教えることは不適切である。Scott and Branch[2003]は「論争問題についてあらゆる立場を提示することは、公平性とオープンネスと機会平等についての一般人の価値観に訴えかけるもの」と指摘するが、進化論への適用には反対である。これは「科学者が進化論の有効性を重大に論じていると教えることになるので、科学的に不適切であり、教育的に無責任だから」である。

Scott and Branch (2003) further outline criteria for determining which controversies to teach:
(1) the controversy ought to be of interest to students;
(2) the controversy ought to be primarily scientific, rather than primarily moral, social, or religious;
(3)the resources for each side of the controversy ought to be comparable in availability;
(4) the resources for each side of the controversy ought to be comparable in quality;
(5) the controversy ought to be understandable by the students.

Scott and Branch [2003]はさらに、教えるべき論争の選択基準を挙げている:
(1) その論争が、生徒たちが関心を持つべきものであり
(2) その論争が、まずもって科学的であるべきで、倫理や社会や宗教なものではなく
(3) 論争の両サイドの文献が同等に入手可能であるべきで
(4) 論争の両サイドの文献が同等に品質の高いものであるべきで
(5) その論争が、生徒たちに理解可能なものであるべきである。

Given these criteria, evolution should not be treated as controversial within a science class. It is not scientifically controversial, nor are resources for each side of comparable quality – evidence for evolution comes from peer-reviewed literature whereas evidence against evolution is built on flawed assumptions and popularized misconceptions.

If, as a science teacher, you hope to help your students understand that the controversy is social rather than scientific, we suggest teaming up with a social studies teacher to develop lessons that help students explore the social and historical aspect of the controversy, emphasizing that there is no scientific controversy about whether evolution has occurred.



Literature Cited

Scott, E.C. and G. Branch. 2003. Evolution: what’s wrong with ‘teaching the controversy’. TREE. 18:499-502.
Verhey, S. 2005. The effect of engaging prior learning on student attitudes toward creationism and evolution. BioScience. 55:996-1003.

なお、"Teach The Controversy"の初出は、1999年にDiscovery InstituteのフェローたちDavid K. DeWolf, Stephen C. Meyer, Mark E. DeForrestが書いたブックレット「 TEACHING THE CONTROVERSY 」であり、現在は ARNのサイト で読める。

最終更新:2013年11月02日 15:50