1) Warning: Line 390 (43): Use of 34th local float variable 'vampireWillpower' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 2) Warning: Line 318 (24): Use of 34th local float variable 'vampireWillpower' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 3) Warning: Line 98 (72): Use of 34th local float variable 'vampireExtraWillpower' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 4) Warning: Line 377 (43): Use of 34th local float variable 'normalWill' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 5) Warning: Line 238 (28): Use of 34th local float variable 'normalWill' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 6) Gals_Sk_UnArmored: Failed to compile script! 7) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 8) Gals_Sk_Speechcraft: Failed to compile script! 9) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 10) Gals_Sk_Spear: Failed to compile script! 11) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 12) Gals_Sk_Sneak: Failed to compile script! 13) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 14) Gals_Sk_ShortBlade: Failed to compile script! 15) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 16) Gals_Sk_Security: Failed to compile script! 17) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 18) Gals_Sk_Restoration: Failed to compile script! 19) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 20) Gals_Sk_Mysticism: Failed to compile script! 21) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 22) Gals_Sk_Mercantile: Failed to compile script! 23) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 24) Gals_Sk_MediumArmor: Failed to compile script! 25) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 26) Gals_Sk_Marksman: Failed to compile script! 27) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 28) Gals_Sk_LongBlade: Failed to compile script! 29) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 30) Gals_Sk_LightArmor: Failed to compile script! 31) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 32) Gals_Sk_Illusion: Failed to compile script! 33) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 34) Gals_Sk_HeavyArmor: Failed to compile script! 35) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 36) Gals_Sk_HandToHand: Failed to compile script! 37) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 38) Gals_Sk_Enchant: Failed to compile script! 39) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 40) Gals_Sk_Destruction: Failed to compile script! 41) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 42) Gals_Sk_Conjuration: Failed to compile script! 43) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 44) Gals_Sk_BluntWeapon: Failed to compile script! 45) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 46) Gals_Sk_Block: Failed to compile script! 47) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 48) Gals_Sk_Axe: Failed to compile script! 49) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 50) Gals_Sk_Athletics: Failed to compile script! 51) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 52) Gals_Sk_Armorer: Failed to compile script! 53) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 54) Gals_Sk_Alteration: Failed to compile script! 55) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 56) Gals_Sk_Alchemy: Failed to compile script! 57) Error: Line 83 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 58) Gals_Sk_Acrobatics: Failed to compile script! 59) Error: Line 134 (7): Syntax Error: Expected 'end' but found 'endif' (endif)! Invalid input was received! 60) Gals_Level_Screen_Update: Failed to compile script! 61) Error: Line 36 (1): Missing required argument(s) for function call! Invalid input was received! 62) Gals_Attribute_Luck: Failed to compile script! 63) Error: Line 34 (20): Local variable 'luckShouldBe' has already been defined! Invalid input was received! 64) Warning: Line 301 (46): Use of 34th local short variable 'perMdArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 65) Warning: Line 166 (49): Use of 34th local short variable 'perMdArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 66) Warning: Line 320 (38): Use of 34th local short variable 'perArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 67) Warning: Line 176 (45): Use of 34th local short variable 'perArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 68) Gals__Init_ManagerB: Failed to compile script! 69) Error: Line 12 (41): Local variable name exceeds the maximum length of 32 (Expectation_Skill_Points_Finished)! Invalid input was received! 70) Warning: Line 76 (55): Use of 34th local float variable 'startIntelligenceFinalised' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 71) Warning: Line 75 (32): Use of 34th local float variable 'startIntelligenceFinalised' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 72) Warning: Line 133 (57): Use of 34th local float variable 'increaseThresholdStrength' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 73) Warning: Line 125 (85): Use of 34th local float variable 'increaseThresholdStrength' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 74) Warning: Line 110 (31): Use of 34th local float variable 'increaseThresholdStrength' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 75) Warning: Line 705 (45): Use of 34th local short variable 'perArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 76) Warning: Line 405 (12): Use of 34th local short variable 'perArm' may result in errors and is not recommended! Invalid input was received! 77) bittercup: Failed to compile script! 78) Error: Line 20 (11): Invalid local variable name 'end'! Invalid input was received! 1) Gals_HUD_reset_script: Failed to compile script! 2) Error: Line 26 (1): Missing required argument(s) for function call! Invalid input was received!