So far for far too long

作詞:Karina Tomoko


  • 英語音源であるCV-VC音源とリツキレ音源を組み合わせて作りました。昔々の物語です。(投稿者説明文より)
  • 70年代ブリティッシュロックを髣髴とさせる波音リツの歌もさることながらしゃもじケースさんによる“描いてみた”風PVも素晴らしい。



So long it's been since last time he saw her
Who knows now her eyes are still ethereal
the eyes, used to wash him away from a day

All long, man said, you were not here
Sound of phone-ring used to fear her. She said
Take me to the place where strangers would make me feel at ease

Where strangers make me ease
So she floats and floats
In her eyes caught rusted three-wheeler
Broken clock, been forgotten by time for long...

As she takes her clothes off,
believes town fairytale of
a girl who meets beau knight from the moon
by the bed stand there's a letter from
old love says
"I hate to love you "

So far, it’s been for far too long since last he hears him talk
He loved her more than he could ever think possible

So he started breaking thing
Then she fades away bear food in the night
To the town without a name
Where her shame conceal her sin without sound

As she takes her clothes off,
believes town fairytale of
a girl who meets beau knight from the moon
by the bed stand there's a letter from
old love says
"I hate to love you "

As she dances waltz around in
Worn out silk stocking carnival
“Wait ” she whispers for promise rushed
love exhausted
She then leave from the door again before

As she takes her clothes off,
believes town fairytale of
a girl who meets beau knight from the moon
Hides her tears for her memories of old her love wonders on the road

so long it's been since last time he saw her
Who knows now her eyes are still ethereal
the eyes, used to wash him away from a day

All long man said, you were not here sound of Phone-ring used fear her.
She said take me to the place where strangers would make me feel at ease
Where stragers make me ease
So she floats and floats in her eyes
caught rusted three-wheeler
Broken clock, been forgotten by time forlong...


  • 歌詞がんばって訳してみようかな… -- 名無しさん (2014-05-03 20:03:52)
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • S
  • 波音リツ
  • くろのすP
  • Karina Tomoko

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最終更新:2014年05月03日 20:03


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