
soregabokuranojasuteisu-soundares」(2009/05/27 (水) 23:49:19) の最新版変更点



///////////////////////////// // Description/解説: // {???:First Entry} = the date you are adding this/初投稿日 // ex.2009-02-01 // {2009-02-01:First Entry} ///////////////////////////// #right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2009-04-26 14:36:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} *****Title: That's Our Justice *****Lyric: That's our... A darkness as if closed inside a cold cage... getting out of that thick darkness, we're still searching for the answer and swimming around without knowing a place to go The future we had hankered for is an imagination though... we kept waiting believing that it would come one day それが僕らの・・・ 冷たい檻に閉ざされているような 深い闇を抜け出して 僕らは今でも答えを探して あてどもなく泳いでる 子供の頃にあこがれた未来は幻だけど・・・ いつかは来ると信じて待ち続けていた The promise we write on the sand shore will be carried away and it will dissove into a merciless sea The heart that's reflected to a blue sky is now caught by black clouds and is being soaked by a rain that showers coldly 砂浜に書いた誓いは銀の波にさらわれ 無情の海にへと溶けてしまう 青空に映す心は黒い雲にとらわれ 冷たく降り注ぐ雨に濡れてるよ A justice without power is surely powerless but is there a meaning to a power without pride? Even if everything in the world is an enemy, Keep challenging without shrinking back That's our.... yes, justice 力なき正義は 確かに無力だけれど 誇りなき力に 意味はあるのだろうか? たとえこの世界のすべてが敵だとしても ひるまず挑み続ける それが僕らの・・・正義さ Traps that make us become insensible to sadness... being trapped by those sugery traps, how long will we believe in a miracle and just blankly pray? We can't become strong as the number of tears we shed though... for somebody's sake, we were trying to become tender 悲しみさえも分からなくなるような 甘い罠に囚われて 僕らはいつまで奇跡を信じて 虚ろにただ祈るのか? 流した涙の数だけ強くはなれないけれど・・・ 誰かのために優しくなろうとしていた The hope that bloomed on the rock surface has, by a silverly wind, blown out and it will dissappear into a valley of dreams and visions The rut we leave in a field of snow will, by a pale moon, be lighted out and the snow that quietly dance down will smile 岩肌に咲いた希望は銀の風に飛ばされ 夢幻の谷間へと消えてしまう 雪原に残す轍(わだち)は蒼い月に照らされ 静かに舞い降りる雪が微笑むよ Ideals that won't come true is surely meaningless but if we didn't have a thing to aim for, what will come true? Even if this journey shall be filled by thorns, without wavering, we continue to make our way That's our... way of life かなわなき理想は 確かに無意味だけれど 目指すものなくして何が叶うのだろう? たとえこの旅路が茨(いばら)で埋もれていても 迷わず進み続ける それが僕らの・・・生き様 力なき正義は 確かに無力だけれど 誇りなき力に 意味はあるのだろうか? たとえこの世界のすべてに裏切られても 理想を目指し続ける それが僕らの・・・ジャスティス A justice without power is surely powerless but is there a meaning to a power without pride? Even if everything in the world betray us, we will keep aiming for our ideals That's our... Justice ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
///////////////////////////// // Description/解説: // {???:First Entry} = the date you are adding this/初投稿日 // ex.2009-02-01 // {2009-02-01:First Entry} ///////////////////////////// #right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2009-04-26 14:36:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} *****Title: That's Our Justice *****Lyric: That's our... A darkness as if closed inside a cold cage... getting out of that thick darkness, we're still searching for the answer and swimming around without knowing a place to go The future we had hankered for is an imagination though... we kept waiting believing that it would come one day それが僕らの・・・ 冷たい檻に閉ざされているような 深い闇を抜け出して 僕らは今でも答えを探して あてどもなく泳いでる 子供の頃にあこがれた未来は幻だけど・・・ いつかは来ると信じて待ち続けていた The promise we write on the sand shore will be carried away and it will dissove into a merciless sea The heart that's reflected to a blue sky is now caught by black clouds and is being soaked by a rain that showers coldly 砂浜に書いた誓いは銀の波にさらわれ 無情の海にへと溶けてしまう 青空に映す心は黒い雲にとらわれ 冷たく降り注ぐ雨に濡れてるよ Justice without a power is surely powerless but is there a meaning to the power without pride? Even if everything in the world is enemy, Keep challenging without shrinking back That's our.... yes, justice 力なき正義は 確かに無力だけれど 誇りなき力に 意味はあるのだろうか? たとえこの世界のすべてが敵だとしても ひるまず挑み続ける それが僕らの・・・正義さ Traps that make us become insensible to sadness... being trapped by those sugery traps, how long will we believe in a miracle and just blankly pray? We can't become strong as the number of tears we shed though... for somebody's sake, we were trying to become tender 悲しみさえも分からなくなるような 甘い罠に囚われて 僕らはいつまで奇跡を信じて 虚ろにただ祈るのか? 流した涙の数だけ強くはなれないけれど・・・ 誰かのために優しくなろうとしていた The hope that bloomed on the rock surface has, by a silverly wind, blown out and it will dissappear into a valley of dreams and visions The rut we leave in a field of snow will, by a pale moon, be lighted out and the snow that quietly dance down will smile 岩肌に咲いた希望は銀の風に飛ばされ 夢幻の谷間へと消えてしまう 雪原に残す轍(わだち)は蒼い月に照らされ 静かに舞い降りる雪が微笑むよ Ideals that won't come true is surely meaningless but if we didn't have a thing to aim for, what will come true? Even if this journey shall be filled by thorns, without wavering, we continue to make our way That's our... way of life かなわなき理想は 確かに無意味だけれど 目指すものなくして何が叶うのだろう? たとえこの旅路が茨(いばら)で埋もれていても 迷わず進み続ける それが僕らの・・・生き様 力なき正義は 確かに無力だけれど 誇りなき力に 意味はあるのだろうか? たとえこの世界のすべてに裏切られても 理想を目指し続ける それが僕らの・・・ジャスティス Justice without a power is surely powerless but is there a meaning to the power without pride? Even if everything in the world betray us, we will keep aiming for our ideals That's our... Justice ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

