「Toaru shoofu no koi-angelica」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Toaru shoofu no koi-angelica」(2010/04/05 (月) 00:30:39) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-04-05:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by angelica} }}} ***** Title: The Romantic Love of a Certain Prostitute ***** Lyric: Every day of my life, to live, I am being embraced by a man I pretend not to feel as he seizes and squeezes me And yes, if I look close, I know / You are a prostitute too Spreading apart my legs, my cheeks are drenched from tears And always the ticks fill / our yellow sheets The flies scrounge / seeking black blood That festered in this place / the apricot’s poison being scattered on the roses I want to murder the men and the others here The star of everything of the center of this world! / overlooking this crime, lagging I held all of the clients / red rash grows bad too quickly, please go away That madam from the room with the mantle gets on my nerves / that voice she uses is acting I want to escape from this place, which is like a house of pigs / I went insane long before All night for 2 days / If you live then 3 days If you shut your mouth and do the mopping, 4 days Every day five men / that’s how it goes for one month Uh, well, I did the dusting only six times We take hands / And go over the mountain We can board a train / we’ll go together to the town with the beach But being restrained by black chains and white powder Things cannot do more than dream The wind of everything of the center of this world! / the smell of seawater reaching us, lagging A chestnut flower blossoms, it is proud, here it has room / It lived and actually bore fruit by irregular means, in distorted ways The dried-up riverbed of the die, I thought / This river continues, it goes on, doesn’t it? Someday we will escape from this current by the ocean / Wishing these days will pile and rise up like they did once before *****Note: What a coincidence; I also did this a while ago as a request for a friend... ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

