
KimuraKou-soundares」(2010/07/14 (水) 16:00:23) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: KimuraTerm ***** Lyric: "If everyone will, from different places, みんなで 違う場所から look at a same place, 同じ所を見たら (even) a thing we don't know, 分からないものが maybe we can figure it out." We had a talk like that and 分からるかもねと話をして ("If everyone will look at a same from different places, maybe we can tell things we can't tell (now)." We had a talk like that and) Ah, I've watched into telescopes for many many nights. ああ 望遠鏡を幾夜も覗き込み Looking at a same star (everytime), 同じ星を見ては I've recorded (data) day after day and 来る日も来る日も記録をつけ --- (one day) data that has been collected, 集めたデータを I got it (all) together with everyones. みんなと合わせてみた Somehow, I(mine) seemed to be the only one なぜだか 自分だけ different from others. 他と違うようだった Having been terribly called down, こっぴどくしかられて I went home downhearted and under a road on the way, しょんぼり帰った道の下では Earth -- which was actually soft, 本当は柔らかな地球が was rotating quitely/gently... そっと回ってた --- At nowhere at all, a mistake was 何処にも間違いなんて found, and while that みつからないまま I kept wandering about this and that, あれこれと さまよって walked about in puzzle, looked-around-restlessly... and 悩んで歩き きょろきょろして Hmm? Equation of both sides... んん? 両辺の差が they seem to sway in a regular way, I-couldn't-ignore-it. 規則的に揺れているようで 気になり So, staying-still, I stared-hard at the right and left sides. じーっと 右辺と左辺をにらみつけた --- What is it? なんだろう One more thing... もう一つ just seem to be missing. なんか足りない気がした Other then X and Y X と Y 以外に I felt like there was (a place for) Z Zもある気がした --- "I was not wrong." 間違ってなかったと When I murmured that to the night sky, 夜空に呟いたら today again, it was falling all over (the night sky). 今日もまた 一面に降り注ぐ Ihatov's great galaxy イーハトーブの大銀河 ~~~~ Ihatov is another name for Iwate prefecture in Kenji Miyazawa's story. Kenji Miyazawa is well known writer in Japan who is famous for popular and loved poem Ame_ni_mo_Makezu. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ame_ni_mo_Makezu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa ~~~~ --- I've looked for you 君を探したんだ I've wandered (to find you) さまよったんだ If you really existed or not... 本当にいるのかどうかさえ Not being able to tell that (all this time) 分からないまま --- (But after all) You were always there 君はずっといたんだ (Just) right there そこにいたんだ In a distance this voice can reach この声が届く距離にいると 知らなかったよ Hey... I didn't know it. --- Round and round, it did rotate. くるくる回ったんだ It did roll. 転がったんだ I felt like I saw things we can't see (and) 見えないものが見えたようで it's magical/mysterious... 神秘的だよ --- That's why だから I'm going again. また行くんだ I'm going to look up (into the sky/space). 見上げるんだ Because ... this place where I belong is 僕の居場所が still, just slightly... swaying. まだ少しだけ揺れてるから --- Tonight again. 今夜も --- Tomorrow as well. 明日も --- *****Note: This song is a tribute to a real scientist Kimura Hisashi who really went through what's sang in this song to find Δφ = X cos λ + Y cos λ was really Δφ = X cos λ + Y cos λ + Z. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisashi_Kimura この曲とこの曲に描かれているお話についてはぜひこちらのサイト様へ↓m(_ _)m http://vsblog.khaotic.info/archives/2734 半年前くらいに偶然みつけてから大好きな曲です。ボカロ海にはこんないい曲がまだまだ眠ってる気がします。翻訳できる方はそういう曲を翻訳して共有して下さい。 ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: KimuraTerm ***** Lyric: "If everyone will, from different places, みんなで 違う場所から look at a same place, 同じ所を見たら (even) a thing we don't know, 分からないものが maybe we can figure it out." We had a talk like that and 分からるかもねと話をして ("If everyone will look at a same from different places, maybe we can tell things we can't tell (now)." We had a talk like that and) Ah, I've watched into telescopes for many many nights. ああ 望遠鏡を幾夜も覗き込み Looking at a same star (everytime), 同じ星を見ては I've recorded (data) day after day and 来る日も来る日も記録をつけ --- (one day) data that has been collected, 集めたデータを I got it (all) together with everyones. みんなと合わせてみた Somehow, I(mine) seemed to be the only one なぜだか 自分だけ different from others. 他と違うようだった Having been terribly called down, こっぴどくしかられて I went home downhearted and under a road on the way, しょんぼり帰った道の下では Earth -- which was actually soft, 本当は柔らかな地球が was rotating quitely/gently... そっと回ってた --- At nowhere at all, a mistake was 何処にも間違いなんて found, and while that みつからないまま I kept wandering about this and that, あれこれと さまよって walked about in puzzle, looked-around-restlessly... and 悩んで歩き きょろきょろして Hmm? Equation of both sides... んん? 両辺の差が they seem to sway in a regular way, I-couldn't-ignore-it. 規則的に揺れているようで 気になり So, staying-still, I stared-hard at the right and left sides. じーっと 右辺と左辺をにらみつけた --- What is it? なんだろう One more thing... もう一つ just seem to be missing. なんか足りない気がした Other then X and Y X と Y 以外に I felt like there was (a place for) Z Zもある気がした --- "I was not wrong." 間違ってなかったと When I murmured that to the night sky, 夜空に呟いたら today again, it was falling all over (the night sky). 今日もまた 一面に降り注ぐ Ihatov's great galaxy イーハトーブの大銀河 ~~~~ Ihatov is another name for Iwate prefecture in Kenji Miyazawa's story. Kenji Miyazawa is well known writer in Japan who is famous for popular and loved poem Ame_ni_mo_Makezu. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ame_ni_mo_Makezu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa ~~~~ --- I've looked for you 君を探したんだ I've wandered (to find you) さまよったんだ If you really existed or not... 本当にいるのかどうかさえ Not being able to tell that (all this time) 分からないまま --- (But after all) You were always there 君はずっといたんだ (Just) right there そこにいたんだ In a distance this voice can reach この声が届く距離にいると 知らなかったよ Hey... I didn't know it. --- Round and round, it did rotate. くるくる回ったんだ It did roll. 転がったんだ I felt like I saw things we can't see (and) 見えないものが見えたようで it's magical/mysterious... 神秘的だよ --- That's why だから I'm going again. また行くんだ I'm going to look up (into the sky/space). 見上げるんだ Because ... this place where I belong is 僕の居場所が still, just slightly... swaying. まだ少しだけ揺れてるから --- Tonight again. 今夜も --- Tomorrow as well. 明日も --- *****Note: This song is a tribute to a real scientist Kimura Hisashi who really went through what's sang in this song to find Δφ = X cos λ + Y cos λ was really Δφ = X cos λ + Y cos λ + Z. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisashi_Kimura この曲とこの曲に描かれているお話についてはぜひこちらのサイト様へ↓m(_ _)m http://vsblog.khaotic.info/archives/2734 半年前くらいに偶然みつけてから大好きな曲です。ボカロ海にはこんないい曲がまだまだ眠ってる気がします。翻訳できる方はぜひそういう曲を翻訳して共有して下さい。 ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

