
WhiteOut・OverLine-soundares」(2010/08/01 (日) 23:47:21) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-30:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: White Out - Over Line ***** Lyric: そう だから言ったんでしょ 自分が出来るから言ったんでしょ 「死ぬ」という事が出来いなんて 生きる方が簡単だなんて 僕にはなんの薬(やく)にも立たない 言葉ほど無責任なものはない 思ったことも無いんですよ Death 世 Death 世 Death 世 Death 世 Yes, that's why it was said, wasn't it. Because it's possible for you, wasn't it. Can't do a thing as "die"? It's easier to live? Won't be a piece of drug for me. There's nothing more irresponsible as words. Yep, (those guys) have never thought of it. Death World Death World Death World Death World 本気でやれば楽しいだなんて 自分の等身で測んないで あんたの道につまずく石はあったの?根なんてあったの? 甘い話なら耳に宣して 不幸自慢なら口に宣して あんたのレッテル全部はがしてから現れてよ If I do it serisouly it should be fun? Don't measure things by your life size. Were there rocks that'll trip you over along your way. Any roots? Stuff(*Declare it to) the ears if its sweet talk, Stuff(*Declare it to) the mouth if your showing off misery, and show up after you've peeled off all your labelings. 「あなたのために」なんて言わないで 「おまえを思って」なんて言わないで 今は境界(フィールド)が違うの ねぇ分かってよ ねえ Don't say "It's for your-good." and such. Don't say "Because I think about you." and such. Fields(*Boundaries) are different now. Hey, get it, please? 簡単に「分かる」なんて言わないで 簡単に「大丈夫」なんて言わないで 心の作りが違うの 知らないんでしょ? そうなんでしょ ねえ Don't say "I do understand" and such just like that. Don't say "It'll be alright" and such just like that. Structures of hearts are different. You don't know it. Do you, huh? 爽快な気持ちなんでしょ 自分より下がいるって楽チンでしょ 「普通な事が出来ない」だなんて じゃあ普通ってナンなの教えてよ 僕にはなんの神にもならない 言葉ほど無自覚なものだと 自覚したことも無いんだから だから? 何を? 誰に? 別に? Refreshing feeling isn't it? Isn't it comfy to have below-yourself. "Can't even do things normally"? Then what's normal, tell me? That won't be a piece of god for me. "There's nothing more unconcious then words" Yep, have never been concious. So? What? To who? Nothing? 死ぬ気でやれば楽しいだなんて 自分の足元見てみてよ あんたの道のつまずく石はローラーなの?歩く歩道なの? 甘い話なら耳に毒だよ 不幸自慢なら口が腐るよ あんたのレッテル全部はがして2度と現れないでよ If I try it feeling-ready-to-die(=truely seriously), it'll be fun? Hey, look around your feet. Are the rocks in your way which you trip over a roller? A walking(moving) sidewalk? Hey, sweet(wishful) tales are poisons to the ears. Hey, mouth will rotten if its misery-showoff. Peal off all your labelings and don't you show up again. 「あなたのために」なんて言わないよ 「おまえを思って」なんて言わないよ 今は境界(フィールド)が違うの あぁ分かってるのさ I'm not gonna say "It's for your-good." and such. I'm not gonna say "Because I think about you." and such. Fields are different now. Yeah, I do get that. 簡単に「分かる」なんて言わないよ 簡単に「大丈夫」なんて言わないから 今君を分けてるラインまたがさせてよ 渡らせてよ ねえ I'm not gonna say "I understand." like its nothing. I'm not gonna say "It'll be alright" just like that, so let me step over that line thats deviding you now, let me cross it, please? そっから何だい? 一体君から何体 目の偽善者ぶってるやつらはごまんと見てきたさ 後ろ指さして笑って 後ろ首つないで歩いて 後ろ歩きで下がって ここが陣地だった ここに白線ひいて ここに無い壁たてて ここに扉をおいて そこに合鍵埋めて あけて あけないで しめて しめないで を繰り返す自問自答 Then what? How many is it from you. Yeah, I've seen 50 thousands guys pretending to have eyes of hypocrite. Laughing pointing finger at (their) back, walked tying my fore-neck (so it won't fall off), moved back walking backward, and this was my position. Lined out white lines here, built a wall that didn't exist here, and placed a door here, and burried a duplicate key there, and "Open it" - "Please, don't open it", "Closed it" - "Please, don't close it" .... contined questioning and answering, going through self talk. 左手のラインと心のラインは同じじゃないの 貴方のココロと私のココロは足して「2」じゃないから 左手のラインと心のラインを足して「人(わたし)」だから 貴方のココロと私のココロを重ねて「1」にしようよ A line of left hand and a line of heart aren't the same. Because your heart and my heart won't add up to "2". The line of left hand and the line of heart add up to "人(Me)", so let's overlap your heart and my heart and make "1". *****Note: &color(#AAAAAA){Recently I've heard a song saying "If you say you want to die then just die". I thought this song speaks for those people who just can't help but to say they want to kill themselves. Those people who say these things are usually in great pain that make themselves think that way because of how they are facing problem which they can't come over by themselves. It's not happiest feelings for others to hear those words but actually what they are doing is, calling for help. They are saying,} &color(#AAAAAA){I am in a very bad situation where I even hope for death. Please help me out.} &color(#AAAAAA){That's why they keep saying those things. If people around you say these things, I hope you'd try telling someone elselike teachers and the person's parent somehow so they could help that person.} &color(#AAAAAA){ Though do not tell the person's parents if the person seems to be abused. If you see a sign of abuse, please tell your parents and ask for advice on what to do. } &color(#AAAAAA){「死にたいっていうなら死ねば」というような曲を最近聴いたのですが、この曲はそういう死にたいという言葉を言ってしまうような苦しんでいる人の気持ちについて歌っているような気がしました。ところで「死にたい」というような人というのは、大抵は大変苦しい状態にありながらも自力で状況をどうにもできない状態にあって、それで死を考えるほどにつらいことを聞いてもらえる人に繰り返すのだと思います。聞かされている方は、自分の人生でもつらいことがあるのに、いい加減にしてほしいと思うかもしれませんが「死にたい」という言葉が「助けて」という意味だと汲んで、ぜひ、その人の親や、学生であれば教師や学校のカウンセラー、また社会人であれば、上司やいたら会社のカウンセラーといった人にそう言っていると伝えてあげて下さい。} &color(#AAAAAA){ ただその人に虐待を受けているような感じが見られる時は、決してその人の親には伝えず、あなたの親や信頼できる人にどうするべきか相談してください。 } ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-30:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: White Out - Over Line ***** Lyric: そう だから言ったんでしょ 自分が出来るから言ったんでしょ 「死ぬ」という事が出来いなんて 生きる方が簡単だなんて 僕にはなんの薬(やく)にも立たない 言葉ほど無責任なものはない 思ったことも無いんですよ Death 世 Death 世 Death 世 Death 世 Yes, that's why it was said, wasn't it. Because it's possible for you, wasn't it. Can't do a thing as "die"? It's easier to live? Won't be a piece of drug for me. There's nothing more irresponsible as words. Yep, (those guys) have never thought of it. Death World Death World Death World Death World 本気でやれば楽しいだなんて 自分の等身で測んないで あんたの道につまずく石はあったの?根なんてあったの? 甘い話なら耳に宣して 不幸自慢なら口に宣して あんたのレッテル全部はがしてから現れてよ If I do it serisouly it should be fun? Don't measure things by your life size. Were there rocks that'll trip you over along your way. Any roots? Stuff(*Declare it to) the ears if its sweet talk, Stuff(*Declare it to) the mouth if your showing off misery, and show up after you've peeled off all your labelings. 「あなたのために」なんて言わないで 「おまえを思って」なんて言わないで 今は境界(フィールド)が違うの ねぇ分かってよ ねえ Don't say "It's for your-good." and such. Don't say "Because I think about you." and such. Fields(*Boundaries) are different now. Hey, get it, please? 簡単に「分かる」なんて言わないで 簡単に「大丈夫」なんて言わないで 心の作りが違うの 知らないんでしょ? そうなんでしょ ねえ Don't say "I do understand" and such just like that. Don't say "It'll be alright" and such just like that. Structures of hearts are different. You don't know it. Do you, huh? 爽快な気持ちなんでしょ 自分より下がいるって楽チンでしょ 「普通な事が出来ない」だなんて じゃあ普通ってナンなの教えてよ 僕にはなんの神にもならない 言葉ほど無自覚なものだと 自覚したことも無いんだから だから? 何を? 誰に? 別に? Refreshing feeling isn't it? Isn't it comfy to have below-yourself. "Can't even do things normally"? Then what's normal, tell me? That won't be a piece of god for me. "There's nothing more unconcious then words" Yep, have never been concious. So? What? To who? Nothing? 死ぬ気でやれば楽しいだなんて 自分の足元見てみてよ あんたの道のつまずく石はローラーなの?歩く歩道なの? 甘い話なら耳に毒だよ 不幸自慢なら口が腐るよ あんたのレッテル全部はがして2度と現れないでよ If I try it feeling-ready-to-die(=truely seriously), it'll be fun? Hey, look around your feet. Are the rocks in your way which you trip over a roller? A walking(moving) sidewalk? Hey, sweet(wishful) tales are poisons to the ears. Hey, mouth will rotten if its misery-showoff. Peal off all your labelings and don't you show up again. 「あなたのために」なんて言わないよ 「おまえを思って」なんて言わないよ 今は境界(フィールド)が違うの あぁ分かってるのさ I'm not gonna say "It's for your-good." and such. I'm not gonna say "Because I think about you." and such. Fields are different now. Yeah, I do get that. 簡単に「分かる」なんて言わないよ 簡単に「大丈夫」なんて言わないから 今君を分けてるラインまたがさせてよ 渡らせてよ ねえ I'm not gonna say "I understand." like its nothing. I'm not gonna say "It'll be alright" just like that, so let me step over that line thats deviding you now, let me cross it, please? そっから何だい? 一体君から何体 目の偽善者ぶってるやつらはごまんと見てきたさ 後ろ指さして笑って 後ろ首つないで歩いて 後ろ歩きで下がって ここが陣地だった ここに白線ひいて ここに無い壁たてて ここに扉をおいて そこに合鍵埋めて あけて あけないで しめて しめないで を繰り返す自問自答 Then what? How many is it from you. Yeah, I've seen 50 thousands guys pretending to have eyes of hypocrite. Laughing pointing finger at (their) back, walked tying my fore-neck (so it won't fall off), moved back walking backward, and this was my position. Lined out white lines here, built a wall that didn't exist here, and placed a door here, and burried a duplicate key there, and "Open it" - "Please, don't open it", "Closed it" - "Please, don't close it" .... contined questioning and answering, going through self talk. 左手のラインと心のラインは同じじゃないの 貴方のココロと私のココロは足して「2」じゃないから 左手のラインと心のラインを足して「人(わたし)」だから 貴方のココロと私のココロを重ねて「1」にしようよ A line of left hand and a line of heart aren't the same. Because your heart and my heart won't add up to "2". The line of left hand and the line of heart add up to "人(Me)", so let's make your heart and my heart overlap and make "1". *****Note: &color(#AAAAAA){Recently I've heard a song saying "If you say you want to die then just die". I thought this song speaks for those people who just can't help but to say they want to kill themselves. Those people who say these things are usually in great pain that make themselves think that way because of how they are facing problem which they can't come over by themselves. It's not happiest feelings for others to hear those words but actually what they are doing is, calling for help. They are saying,} &color(#AAAAAA){I am in a very bad situation where I even hope for death. Please help me out.} &color(#AAAAAA){That's why they keep saying those things. If people around you say these things, I hope you'd try telling someone elselike teachers and the person's parent somehow so they could help that person.} &color(#AAAAAA){ Though do not tell the person's parents if the person seems to be abused. If you see a sign of abuse, please tell your parents and ask for advice on what to do. } &color(#AAAAAA){「死にたいっていうなら死ねば」というような曲を最近聴いたのですが、この曲はそういう死にたいという言葉を言ってしまうような苦しんでいる人の気持ちについて歌っているような気がしました。ところで「死にたい」というような人というのは、大抵は大変苦しい状態にありながらも自力で状況をどうにもできない状態にあって、それで死を考えるほどにつらいことを聞いてもらえる人に繰り返すのだと思います。聞かされている方は、自分の人生でもつらいことがあるのに、いい加減にしてほしいと思うかもしれませんが「死にたい」という言葉が「助けて」という意味だと汲んで、ぜひ、その人の親や、学生であれば教師や学校のカウンセラー、また社会人であれば、上司やいたら会社のカウンセラーといった人にそう言っていると伝えてあげて下さい。} &color(#AAAAAA){ ただその人に虐待を受けているような感じが見られる時は、決してその人の親には伝えず、あなたの親や信頼できる人にどうするべきか相談してください。 } ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

