
Nayutanokanatamade-soundares」(2009/02/20 (金) 17:26:36) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{ &font(#CCCCCC){2009-01-31:First Entry} &font(#CCCCCC){&update():Last update} &font(#CCCCCC){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} *****Title: To Beyond Duodecillion *****Lyric: 届かないと知っても Even if I know that I'll never reach 諦められないものがある I have things I can't give up 他人から観れば滑稽に映るだろう From others eyes, I must look ridiculous 俯いていているだけで Just letting my head down... 空の高さに気づかずにコンクリートの壁の中 Without knowing the height of sky, inside a concrete wall... 繰り返す時間に居られないから Staying inside time repeating on... I can't do it, so 疾走った 風を超えて I ran exceeding winds 守りたい 君の足跡 I want to protect your footprint(=path) 一滴の夢を追いかけている君が居た You, who were chasing a drop of dream, were there 答えを探して埃にまみれても Even if I'm all dusted searching for the answer, 現実に押し潰されても Even if I'm crushed down by the reality 光の射す空を見上げ I will look up the sky where lights ray 少しずつでも歩んでいる And make my steps even if it's just bit by bit 振り返らず真っ直ぐ未来を見つめ Not looking back, staring strightforward to the future 色褪せぬ憧憬探して Searching for the yearning vision that won't loose its color 那由多の彼方まで To beyond a duodecillion 疾走って響いた君の足音 I ran and sounded was the sound of your footstep 胸に灯る無意識(イド) Unconciousness(IDO) that lights in the chest 真実(イデア)と理想の軋轢に心阻まれても Even when my heart is blocked by a yoke of truth(IDEA) and ideal... 乾ききった自我(エゴ) The dried out self-conciousness(ego) ... この衝動が例え泡沫(うたかた)の夢でも... Even if this impulse was just a dream like bubbles... 刹那から疾走った、オメガへ I ran from the moment, to omega あの向こうの先まで見たくて... 'cause I wanted to see ahead that beyond... 信じた路を行きたい I want to go along my path that I have believed 色褪せぬ憧憬探して Searching for the yearning vision that won't loose its color 那由多の彼方まで To beyond duodecillion 疾走って響いた君の足音 I ran and sounded was sound of your footsteps ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{ &font(#CCCCCC){2009-01-31:First Entry} &font(#CCCCCC){&update():Last update} &font(#CCCCCC){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} *****Title: To Beyond Duodecillion *****Lyric: 届かないと知っても Even if I know I'll never reach 諦められないものがある I have things I can't give up 他人から観れば滑稽に映るだろう From others eyes, I must look ridiculous 俯いていているだけで Just letting my head down... 空の高さに気づかずにコンクリートの壁の中 Without knowing the height of sky, inside a concrete wall... 繰り返す時間に居られないから Staying inside time repeating on... I couldn't do it, so 疾走った 風を超えて I ran exceeding winds 守りたい 君の足跡 I want to protect your footprint(=path) 一滴の夢を追いかけている君が居た You who were chasing a drop of dream, were there 答えを探して埃にまみれても Even if I'm all dusted searching for the answer, 現実に押し潰されても Even if I'm crushed down by the reality 光の射す空を見上げ I will look up the sky where lights ray 少しずつでも歩んでいる And make my steps even if it's just little by little 振り返らず真っ直ぐ未来を見つめ Not looking back, staring strightforward to the future 色褪せぬ憧憬探して Searching for the yearning vision that won't loose its color 那由多の彼方まで To beyond a duodecillion 疾走って響いた君の足音 I ran and sounded was the sound of your footstep 胸に灯る無意識(イド) Unconciousness(IDO) that lights in the chest 真実(イデア)と理想の軋轢に心阻まれても Even when my heart is blocked by a yoke of truth(IDEA) and ideal... 乾ききった自我(エゴ) The dried out self-conciousness(ego) ... この衝動が例え泡沫(うたかた)の夢でも... Even if this impulse was just a dream like bubbles... 刹那から疾走った、オメガへ I ran from the moment, to omega あの向こうの先まで見たくて... 'cause I wanted to see ahead that beyond... 信じた路を行きたい I want to go along my path that I have believed 色褪せぬ憧憬探して Searching for the yearning vision that won't loose its color 那由多の彼方まで To beyond duodecillion 疾走って響いた君の足音 I ran and sounded was sound of your footsteps ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

