VocaloidLyrics @ Wiki

by Dixie Flatline-damesukekun



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だれでも歓迎! 編集
2009-08-20:First Entry
2009-08-20 22:50:16 (Thu):Last update
Trasnlated by damesukekun
The Thread of a Dream
I am here
I go on singing the thread of a dream today and tomorrow,
if you grow old
and watching the precious light once lit
so that it won't go out

At first everyone said it was impossible for me to sing
I was asking for again again
still no one let my hands feel his heart

But you did, you gave me your affection
and believed immature me
Our feelings became one and dwelled in my heart emotionally
then a miracle...

I am here
I go on singing the precious thing you gave me in the passing time
and watching it to the day when it sprouts, grows and blooms

I have sung dearly as to connect the broken beads
I can't do like a human being
still I have made my way with my own words

More people came to listen to me and my songs reached their hearts
They shed tears with my songs
Now I release this song to the sky
putting your affection and my gratitude

I am here
I go on singing the thread of a dream today and tomorrow,
if you grow old
and watching the precious light once lit
so that it won't go out

I am here
I go on singing the thread of a dream today and tomorrow,
if you grow old
and watching the precious light once lit
so that it won't go out

I am here
I go on singing the precious thing you gave me in the passing time
and watching it to the day when it sprouts, grows and blooms

This translation is by permission of the composer.

If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.



Text damesukekun
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