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Help Call Tag/編集依頼タグ

Help Call tag
TAG added when help is needed on specific colum in title.

HPF Hiragana title check wanted / タイトルのひらがなのチェック求む
HPTR Romaji title check wanted / タイトルのローマ字チェック求む
HPN Creators names check wanted / 作者の名前チェック求む
HPV Original video url wanted / 動画URL求む
HPL Japanese lyric url in Miku@Wiki wanted/ 歌詞ページ求む

Editor Name/編集者名
You can also add your name when you edit. TAG can be used to find your edited titles so when you want to access your edited work fast. You can also make list at Joined Editors your space if you have your name TAG.

編集者名を記しておけば、タグ検索できるので編集したものに一気にアクセスできます。またタグをつけておくとJoined Editorsの持ちスペースで編集作品リストを作ることができます。

6 MUST tag/六つの必須タグ

1. Base tag/基本タグ
Title All title page must have this tag/曲タイトルには必ず付けます

2. Creator Name tag in Romaji&Alphabet/作者名情報(ローマ字・英字)タグ
Be sure to add both MusicanName and LyricistName.
When Musician and Lyricist name are same, just add one name.


3. Romaji Lyric State tag/ローマ字歌詞追加状況タグ
Romaji Put this tag when title has romaji trasnlation
NORoman Put this tag when title has no romaji trasnlation yet
HPR Put this tag when you are not sure your romaji are perfect


4. First Letter tag/一文字目タグ
For titles that start in Japanese/タイトルの一文字目が日本語の場合
Translate title into Hiragana and use the first hiragana as Tag. For example if title was 猫, Hiragana will be ねこ. So ね will be the Tag. If you are not sure about Hiragana add HPT(See HelpCallTag at beginning) instead, then other people will fix the tag for you.
For titles that start in Alphabit/タイトルの一文字目が英文字の場合は
Use first letter and add Alp- at beginning. That'll be the tag. For example if title was Dog, first letter is D, so Alt-D will be the TAG. 最初の文字にAlp-を足したものを記します。タイトルがCatならAlp-Cになります。
For titles that start by other then above/その他の文字から始まるタイトルは
No tag needed. 何も記しません。

5. Major Division Tag/大分類タグ
L-A Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's あいうえお
L-K Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's かきくけこ
L-S Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's さしすせそ
L-T Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's たちつてと
L-N Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's なにぬねの
L-H Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's はひふへほ
L-M Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's まみむめも
L-Y Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's やゆよ
L-R Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's らりるれろ
L-W Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's わんを
L-G Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's がぎぐげご
L-Z Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's ざじずぜぞ
L-D Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's だぢづでど
L-B Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's ばびぶべぼ
L-P Put this tag when first letter of kana trasnlated title's ぱぴぷぺぽ
E-A Put this tag when first letter is ABCDEFGH
E-I Put this tag when first letter is IJKLMNOP
E-Q Put this tag when first letter is QRSTUVWXYZ
OTHERS Put this tag when first letter is anything above

6. Vocal TAG/ボーカルタグ
Please add first name of the vocal. ボーカルの名前を追加します。
UnOfficialVocaloid Put this tag when vocal is fan made vocaloid


