VocaloidLyrics @ Wiki

Entry Translation



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Before posting a Translation / 翻訳を投稿する前に
Please first check to see if there's an existing page on the song title you are posting a translation for by using the search box-field (found below) and typing in the original title of the song.
If there is no existing entry, please create the title page first by following the steps found in [ Add Page for Titles ]. Then proceed to the next step on this page.
まず曲タイトルのページがすでに作られているか検索や目次から確認してください。もしまだ投稿予定のタイトル頁が作られていない場合は、まず[ 曲タイトルの投稿するには ]のステップを追って曲タイトル頁を作ってください。それから、次のステップに進みます。

(ex. if the original title was 【初音ミク】VocaloidLyric【オリジナル】 then "VocaloidLyric" the part you want to use to search)

STEPS to post new translation/翻訳投稿ステップ

The translation should not be directly written to song-title page. Instead it'll be written on a new page that only has the translation.

2. At the top of the template, find & click the highlighted part shown in the screenshot below.

3. Then page'll look like this.そうすると次のようなページになります。

Write title in the following form and submit.


So for example, if you have the name John and you were posting a title called サンプルX, it'll be like this.


There might be case where someone has already used your name so before you post, please check if there's no one else using your-name/poster-ID by using the search box-field below. If there's someone else using your name already, change your-name/poster-ID.

4. In the edit box on the next page, there will be something like this however the numbers at the beginning of lines won't exist. The numbers here is added to explain things easier.

 1. /////////////////////////////}
 2. // Description/解説:
 3. // {???:First Entry = the date you are adding this/初投稿日 }
 4. // ex. 2009-02-01
 5. // {2009-02-01:First Entry }
 6. /////////////////////////////
 7. #right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){???:First Entry}
 8. &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update}
 9. &font(#AAAAAA){Translated by ???}
10. }}}
11. *****Title:
12. ???
13. *****Lyric:
14. ???

Please follow these steps.
a) Change ??? at line 7 to date in 2009-02-01 format.
b) Change ??? at line 9 to translator's name.
c) Change ??? at line 12 to the translated title of the song.
d) Paste your translation to ??? at line 14.

a) 7行目の???を 2009-02-01の形式で投稿日に書き換える。
b) 9行目の???を翻訳者名に書き換える。
c) 12行目の???を曲のタイトル名を翻訳したものに書き換える。

d) 14行目の???に翻訳を貼り付ける。

5. When you're done with editing, add a word Text and Translator's name(so if you are the translator write your name in) to Tag box and press the button circle in red to save the page.

6. Now we're ready to add the translation to the title page. Find & open the title page you are adding your translation to, then enter Edit mode.

7. Find this line in Edit mode of the title page.

///// Translations /////////////////////////////////////

When you scroll more there should be a template that looks like this.

//&size(10){&new3(time=48,show=[ BEEN UPDATED WITHIN 48 HR ],color=red,page=?YOURPAGE?)}

Now first, copy these lines in the edit box.

Then check to see if there's an exact code like this just above the Template.

Waiting for Translation Entry...

If there is one, please overwrite the Template you copied on them.

If there isn't one, but there's someone else's translation, please paste the Template just below it.

8. Now, follow these steps.

a) Change ?LANGUAGE-NAME? to the language you translated the lyric to.

b) Change ?NO? to the entry # on the language. So if you are the 1st one to enter the translation in English, ?NO? will be 1. If there's already 2 translation done in English, then you are the 3rd one. So ?NO? will be 3. For another example, when you are the 1st one to add a spanish translation when there's already 2 English translations, ?NO? will be 1 since your translation will be the 1st entry of that NEW language translation.

c) Change ?YOURPAGE? to the page title you named at Step 2.

d) And at last remove //.





Finished work will look like this.

&size(10){&new3(time=48,show=[ BEEN UPDATED WITHIN 48 HR ],color=red,page=SampleX-John)}

Then submit page to complete.

!! If you haven't made profile page yet, please make one to show how your translation should be handled.


