「Slight Light-soundares」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Slight Light-soundares」(2010/07/15 (木) 14:24:55) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Slight Light ***** Lyric: Is it forward or is it backward; 前だか後ろだか At some point in time, I could no longer tell and いつしか分からなくなって I could not set my feet out anymore 足を出せなくなりました It was as if as far as I see across has been painted out purely white 見渡す限りが真っ白に塗りつぶされたみたいです --- "It's good", "It's bad" and all; 良いとか悪いとか At some point in time, I could no longer tell and いつしか分からなくなって it did not posses a meaning anymore 意味を持てなくなりました I am tired of picking it(meaning) up too 見出す事にも 疲れた --- A sight which had quietly turned cold... the color which can repaint it over 静かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すような色は still was not found and... a melody which I am starting to forget... まだ 見つからずに 忘れかけているメロディを I hum it over a wind 風に乗せて口ずさむ --- From a distance where I cannot see... (a melody which I had forgotten some time along the way)... 見えない遠くから いつしか忘れてしまった (a melody which was broken)... (the sequel sound of it)... (I can hear it sound) 途切れ途切れのメロディの 続きの響きが 聞こえる (From a distant where I cannot see, I can hear a broken melody's sequel sound that I had forgotten some time along) --- A sight which had slighty turned cold... As if repainting it over, 微かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すように a color will, faintly and softly, become a light which will illuminate a profile which it was starting to lose 色は淡くやわらかに 失いかけてた輪郭を 照らし出す明かりになる --- A sight which had quietly turned cold... As if repainting it over, 静かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すように a color will, faintly and softly, hum the melody I had been starting to forget over a wind 色は淡くやわらかに 忘れかけていたメロディを 風に乗せて口ずさむ *****Note: 大好きなzddnさんの曲です。 zddnさんの曲はアグレッシブなのも好きですが、特にやさしいものはこの歌のSlightLightという言葉が持つような暖かさがあって、よくお世話になってます。 zddnさんの作品の翻訳は他にもYouTubeにかなりあげたのですが 最近見なおしたら本当にありえないスペルミスしたりしてたので(ほんと↓です。すいません;) またもう一度やり直してここにあげたいです。 ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Slight Light ***** Lyric: Is it forward or is it backward; 前だか後ろだか At some point in time, I could no longer tell and いつしか分からなくなって I could not set my feet out anymore 足を出せなくなりました It was as if as far as I see across has been painted out purely white 見渡す限りが真っ白に塗りつぶされたみたいです --- "It's good", "It's bad" and all; 良いとか悪いとか At some point in time, I could no longer tell and いつしか分からなくなって it did not posses a meaning anymore 意味を持てなくなりました I am tired of picking it(meaning) up too 見出す事にも 疲れた --- A sight which had quietly turned cold... the color which can repaint it over 静かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すような色は still was not found and... a melody which I am starting to forget... まだ 見つからずに 忘れかけているメロディを I hum it over a wind 風に乗せて口ずさむ --- From a distance where I cannot see... (a melody which I had forgotten some time along the way)... 見えない遠くから いつしか忘れてしまった (a melody which was broken)... (the sequel sound of it)... (I can hear it sound) 途切れ途切れのメロディの 続きの響きが 聞こえる (From a distant where I cannot see, I can hear a broken melody's sequel sound that I had forgotten some time along) --- A sight which had slighty turned cold... As if repainting it over, 微かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すように a color will, faintly and softly, become a light which will illuminate a profile which it was starting to lose 色は淡くやわらかに 失いかけてた輪郭を 照らし出す明かりになる --- A sight which had quietly turned cold... As if repainting it over, 静かに冷めた景色を 塗り直すように a color will, faintly and softly, hum the melody I had been starting to forget over a wind 色は淡くやわらかに 忘れかけていたメロディを 風に乗せて口ずさむ //*****Note: ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

