「Snow Knows-soundares」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Snow Knows-soundares」(2010/07/15 (木) 14:38:20) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Snow Knows ***** Lyric: 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 夜を終わらす色に 朝焼けの光の音を  聞くことが叶うなら 目を瞑る 音が描く方位 In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear the voice of sky lighten the night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. In a color which ends the night, if you could hear a sound of dawn light, close the eyes to the direction the sound draws. --- 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 日々染め上げる色に 朝焼けは凍る今を  くり返し色に染め あのままをこの今に歌う In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear the voice of sky breaking the night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. Into a color which paint our days, paint now which a morning glow freezes over and over, and sing this moment as it is. --- ふわり 降り出す雪がじきに積もる  その時は上手に かわすかのような いつものステップ刻んで 降り出す雪はじきに積もる  ステレオに残像と降り出す雪がじきに積もる 歩調で吐いた白い息と青い視野に  軽い未来重ねた末の終わりを選んでいる Softly, snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Then, nicely, take usual steps as if fend them off. Snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Over a stereo, snows which will start falling with afterimages will soon pile up. By steps, as the closure of having light(=bit of?) future overlapped with a exhaled white breath and a blue sight, I/we are choosing an end. --- 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 日々染め上げる色に 朝焼けは凍る今を  くり返し色に染め あのままをこの今に歌う In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear a voice of the sky breaking night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. Into a color which paint our days, keep painting now which a dawn freezes and sing this moment as they are. --- ふわり 降り出す雪がじきに積もる  その時は上手に かわすかのような いつものステップ刻んで 降り出す雪はじきに積もる  ステレオに残像と降り出す雪がじきに積もる 歩調で吐いた白い息と青い視野に  軽い未来重ねた末の終わりを選んでいる Softly, snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Then, nicely, take usual steps as if fend them off. Snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Over a stereo, snows which will start falling with afterimages will soon pile up. By steps, as the closure of having light(=bit of?) future overlapped with an exhaled white breath and a blue sight, we are choosing the end. //*****Note: //N/A ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2010-07-14:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Snow Knows ***** Lyric: 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 夜を終わらす色に 朝焼けの光の音を  聞くことが叶うなら 目を瞑る 音が描く方位 In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear the voice of sky lighten the night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. In a color which ends the night, if you could hear a sound of dawn light, close the eyes to the direction the sound draws. --- 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 日々染め上げる色に 朝焼けは凍る今を  くり返し色に染め あのままをこの今に歌う In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear the voice of sky lighten the night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. Into a color which paint our days, paint now which a morning glow freezes over and over, and sing this moment as it is. --- ふわり 降り出す雪がじきに積もる  その時は上手に かわすかのような いつものステップ刻んで 降り出す雪はじきに積もる  ステレオに残像と降り出す雪がじきに積もる 歩調で吐いた白い息と青い視野に  軽い未来重ねた末の終わりを選んでいる Softly, snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Then, nicely, take usual steps as if fend them off. Snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Over a stereo, snows which will start falling with afterimages will soon pile up. By steps, as the closure of having light(=bit of?) future overlapped with a exhaled white breath and a blue sight, I/we are choosing an end. --- 6時に見上げる空に 夜を明ける空の声を  聞くことができるなら 手でぬぐってしまえばいい 日々染め上げる色に 朝焼けは凍る今を  くり返し色に染め あのままをこの今に歌う In a sky we look up at 6 o'clock, if we can hear a voice of the sky breaking night then, we can just wipe it out by our hands. Into a color which paint our days, keep painting now which a dawn freezes and sing this moment as they are. --- ふわり 降り出す雪がじきに積もる  その時は上手に かわすかのような いつものステップ刻んで 降り出す雪はじきに積もる  ステレオに残像と降り出す雪がじきに積もる 歩調で吐いた白い息と青い視野に  軽い未来重ねた末の終わりを選んでいる Softly, snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Then, nicely, take usual steps as if fend them off. Snows which will start falling will soon pile up. Over a stereo, snows which will start falling with afterimages will soon pile up. By steps, as the closure of having light(=bit of?) future overlapped with an exhaled white breath and a blue sight, we are choosing the end. //*****Note: //N/A ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

