「Bluebird >akayakaP-soundares」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Bluebird >akayakaP-soundares」(2011/05/24 (火) 12:29:47) の最新版変更点



#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2011-05-19:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Blue Bird ***** Lyric: As usual, morning came, as usual, lights burst in, as usual, you're there, and as usual, we smile at each other. If this "usual" is destroyed, what would I feel like? If this "usual" is destroyed maybe I will come apart too blue bird precious things are just beside us, blue bird they are too close we always can't see that brilliant stones... special chairs... a living that of a king... a glamorous world and all (those) distant things that this hand won't reach... gazing at them and in time that we hold our hand out to reach them, maybe it will fly away and disapear to distant place where our hand can't reach blue bird precious things are just beside us, blue bird they are too close we always can't see that *****Note: 今、一体、自分に何が出来るんだろうか。 考えてた時、この曲のことをふと思い出しました。 翻訳することでは直接誰も助けられないけれどもこれからに向けての自分の一歩としてとりあえずupします。 人を助けるには、きっとこの歌の歌詞にあるように当たり前が無くなることを問うてみる想像力と、強さが大切だと思います。その強さには経済力とかも含まれるかもしれない。 人を助けられるくらい、もっと、色々強くなりたいです。 ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)
#right(){{{&font(#AAAAAA){2011-05-19:First Entry} &font(#AAAAAA){&update():Last update} &font(#AAAAAA){Trasnlated by soundares} }}} ***** Title: Blue Bird ***** Lyric: As usual, morning came, as usual, lights burst in, as usual, you're there, and as usual, we smile at each other. If this "usual" is destroyed, what would I feel like? If this "usual" is destroyed maybe I will come apart too blue bird precious things are just beside us, blue bird they are too close we always can't see that brilliant stones... special chairs... a living that of a king... a glamorous world and all (those) distant things that this hand won't reach... gazing at them and in time that we hold our hand out to reach them, maybe it will fly away and disapear to distant place where our hand can't reach blue bird precious things are just beside us, blue bird they are too close we always can't see that ****Comment: If you have any advise or opinion for this post please write here.&br()この投稿に対して助言、ご意見などありましたらこちらに書き込んで下さい。 #comment_num2(title_name=Name,title_msg=Comment,size=70,num=15,below)

